Elli’s Grand Opening #1

On the following day, I planned to attend the grand opening of the first fast-food F&B(Food and Beverages) business in Arkhaim town.

Ma.. Even though I really want to bring the Silver Wolf and others to the Dungeon city to increase our level, but since there's a lot of things to prepare, as well as the business matter that needs Chali and me to deal with, I decided to take my time and deal anything that needs to be done, and can be done first in these days.

And, there's also Silvi's condition too.

Even though she looks fine on the surface, but as expected, it may be better to give her time to rest, for her to settle her emotion and mental condition for some days.

Early in the morning, I went to Al manor with Chali in hand.

Upon arriving there, we met Eliz, Al as well as her three battle maid, waiting for us in front of the teleportation gate.