Dungeon Monster





A multiple death cry echoed eerily.

With a thud, a group of a monster with the body of an ugly human and a goat legs fell to the ground, turning into a cold corpse.

Anni sheathed her dagger after slaying a couple of them.

As for Anna, she put her bow down after shooting a number of them with arrows.

Since this monster is too weak to take a hit from me, I just throwing a stone on them to get part of the Exp.

{Lesser Satyr}

Lv 18

HP : D

MP : F




Skill : Goat Feet V[Common] Wind Blade II[Uncommon] Dungeon Monster[???]

Dungeon Monster[???] : Monster that inhabited the Dungeon. After being defeated, the monster corpse will disappear. There's a chance to drop a dungeon item upon disappearing.

Satyr, a humanoid monster that has the body of a man with a goat leg at the part of their bottom to the leg.