The Hell Desert

Haaa…. Ha…

[Alexa… where are we? Did we really advance in the right direction?

  … this terrible heat, is slowly killing me out…]

Walking with a heavy breath, Anna started complaining to Alexa, who was guiding in front of us, while panting.

Dripping sweats heavily drenched her beautiful fair face alluringly, making her appearance looked sexier in this hot weather.

It wasn't only her, the other two women who came together with me in this Dungeon exploration also had the same situation as her.

With how hot the dry air in this desert, their outfit already became very sticky from their sweat, making a spectacle which was reminded me the scene of carbonated drink advertisement in my previous world.

[I'm not too sure right now…

Just keep walking, if we were hit by some sand storm coming somewhere, I could predict the direction of our destination later, probably…]