Alexa #1

Ttang! Ttang! Tang! *Mining ores SFX.

Tang! Tang!

Inside the enormous cave full of gold ores, countless skeletons swinging their pickaxe, untiredly mining the gold ores all over this enormous cave with full swing.

Ores after ores being mined by them continuously as they continue working like a machine without rest.

Not far from them, Anna and Anni oversee their work while roaming around the enormous cave.

Dungeon Gold Mine.

Maybe you guys wonder, why did all my party members become very shocked when we found this cave full of dungeon gold ores? 

Isn't the dungeon ore wasn't that rare?

Of course, if it was Silver ores or Iron ores, that stuff wasn't too rare on the lower floor as you basically could find it anywhere within that specific lower floor.

But if we talked about the gold, titanium, or Mithril ores, the story will be different.

These ores are very rare and very hard to find.