The Oasis Of Treasure Troves

Upon getting down from my magic car, I take the other with me to head toward the strange Oasis not far from our place.

As usual, before I head there, I didn't forget to store my magic car in my inventory skill (The only Space&Time Magic that usable in the Dungeon).

Long story short, we approached the Oasis and taking our first step in the green vast park of these Hell desert dungeon floors.

Although, considering the information provided by Chali this Oasis was one of the rare safe places within this hell desert (Other than some mine and another hidden place), but I can't drop my vigilance.

Surely, the thing about this green small contained a lot of treasure is tempting, however, I can't forget that this place is still a dungeon.

As long as it wasn't a Safe Zones, who already confirmed to be safe by the Adventurer Guild with how human activities already running inside it, I can't treat this out-of-place green place in front of me the same as them.