Assembled! (NSFW)

[Ahnn~~ Yess! Yess! Give more ofw itt!!] *Alexa

Pa pa Pa pa!

[ummnhnnnn~~ *moan] *Anni

[lick* Lick*~ haggard breath*] *Anna

Inside of my tent, I and the three women, Alexa, Anni, and Anna have 4p and drown ourselves in a primal pleasure.

[Ahhhn~~ Moaarrr~~] *Alexa

Penetrating Alexa with my huge cock, I shoved her wet pussy in and out and made her screaming in ecstasy.

[Mhmmhmnn~ ahh~ haa.. hah… still… how long did our intercourse last… I feel like we already indulge ourselves for long… han~] *Anni

Making out with Anni, she savored the taste of our mixing saliva, removed her mouth from mine, and said.

Given that we already making out quite a while, she became short of breath while speaking her mind out.