The Days I Came Back From The Dungeon #2 (NSFW)

[Ahhnnn~ finally! Finally, I feel your cock once again!!~~] *Al

Pa pa Pa pa!

Lick lick~

Inside of Al's bedroom, I and the two beauty, Al and Eliz were having intercourse in a threesome.

Creak creak *The bed creaking SFX

Having my waist busily pounding Al in a missionary position and made the bed creaking from the wildness of my waist movement, I lifted her hand up and tracing her sexy side boobs and alluring sweaty armpits with my tongue lustfully.

[Ha… ha… Alex's cock is the bwesstt~~] *Eliz

On my side, Eliz who just had her pussy creampied, deliriously murmuring on herself while drooling with a slutty expression.

Signifying that she already gets her thirst satiated first.