Chapter 13

"Sure. Mr. Hamworthy." Dr. Wellston said and stood up.

Dr. Madison looked around and he was shocked. President of the United States, Mr. Mathew J. Johnson was presiding the meeting. He was a tall black man. He looked as elegant as on television. A visionary and best president of the United States of America in last century in Dr. Madison' opinion. He did not expect such high-profile people in the meeting. Now he was more embarrassed.

"Two years back, Earthly Research, the most prestigious journal on geology worldwide published a research paper by our Dr. Madison George Orwell entitled The Earth is Dying. The paper got a lot of attention from all segments of the society across the world, especially form science community." Dr. Wellston paused.

Dr. Madison was silently looking at Dr. Wellston. He was puzzled. He could never imagine that this meeting was about that paper.

"Most of the governments and scientific communities eluded this paper as a theory not based on provable facts; as the paper used already published Data by USGS in their monthly issues, from the past decade. They argued that the inference, in the paper, was made based on the data collected without any specific objective or intention. The data collection aimed at specific objective may show different results." Dr. Wellston paused and looked at the President.

"Ha. USGS were one of the first to outright reject the paper." Dr. Madison snarked. He was getting comfortable now.

"However, We at USGS did not discarded the paper on such weak grounds. As always, we decided to go one step closer and find out the reality. We, at USGS always made effort to provide our nation with…"

"Dr. Wellston, please come to the point." Dr. Shane SS Waster-well, the Director of Science Office interrupted. Dr. Madison smiled.

"Sorry sir." Dr. Wellston apologized and continued.

"USGS under the guidance of Science Office, Ministry of Defense, Pentagon and with the approval of Our Most respected President commenced a secret research program to find out if there was even a shred of reality in Dr. Madison's paper. After, research of around 20 months we have concluded that earth might really be dying; it is more of a suicide though." Dr. Wellston paused.

The room that was silent a moment ago, was now full of noise. Everyone in the room but the President and a few others, who knew about the research program in advance, felt uneasy. It was a big news.

"The data we collected, strongly indicates that Dr. Madison might be correct after all. However, we need some more time and the expertise of Dr. Madison here to be perfectly sure. Now, I invite Dr. Madison here to present his initial paper that might prove to be the Noah's ship for humanity." Dr. Wellston finished and sat down.

Dr. Madison stood up. He was a bit nervous.

"No Scientific Jargon and be precise." Dr. Madison repeated Secretary's word in his hand. She was sitting on the other side of table.

"I am Dr. Madison George Orwell PhD (Seismology), PhD (Geo Physics). With the invent of extremely sensitive Seismograph, in March 2037, USGS started publishing the readings of Seismic Waves and Earth's Magnetic field on monthly basis. I am an avid reader and a curious scientist." Dr. Madison cleared his throat.

"Normally earth's inner core is mostly composed of hard iron-nickel alloy with some areas occasionally molten. The pressure of upper part of earth is so much that it keeps the inner core as hot as sun and as hard as iron at the same time. Around Five years back, I started realizing that more and more portion of earth's inner core was being reported as molten. It was not big chunk to be alarmed at, but it happened consistently at different points in earth's inner core. The change was too small to be spotted." Dr. Madison paused. Everyone was listening to him with full attention.

"I started gathering data from other countries and other research institutes as well and that data was consistent with the data from USGS." Dr. Madison looked at his audience. He was enjoying this.

"For the people, who does not know, please allow me to explain how does earth's inner core work. The center part of earth spanning around 1,220 km radius is called inner core. Inner core of the earth is extremely hot ranging from 4,400 Celsius to 6,000 Celsius, and heat is energy. Energy by nature spread or expands. So, heat energy of our inner core is also trying to escape or expand but the extremely high pressure of Earth's Mantle and outer core is not letting the heat energy escape." Dr. Madison continued.

"In simpler terms, we can say that the pressure on our inner core is way more than the heat energy of inner core. So, earth is stable. But recent increase in molten part of inner core indicates that the inner core of our earth is getting hotter by every passing day. That means heat energy is increasing. As long as pressure on inner core is more than the heat energy of inner core, we are fine." There was dead silence in the room. Dr. Madison was now echoing.

"I estimated in my paper, based on the data collected over ten years that within 60 to 65 years the heat energy of earth's inner core will exceed pressure of earth's Mantle. The heat energy will exceed so much that earth's pressure will not be able to contain it. As a Result, the earth will explode and cease to exist alongside its moon and all the life on it."

There was a gloomy silence in the meeting room.

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