During lunch the ladies were still gossiping about the new CEO. Drooling over him like he was some God.
Bella just wanted the day to be over so she could go home. She had planned on calling in sick the next morning.
"I might as well call in dead because I cannot face this madness for a second day," she whispered to herself.
Bella's phone started ringing again. It was Mrs. Dominique.
She ignored the call. She kept on calling and Bella kept ignoring.
"Didn't you hear me calling?"....Mrs. Dominique was standing over Bella's desk looking annoyed.
"I heard but I am busy trying to start this new project for the CEO", she replied without even glancing at Mrs. Dominique.
"Well he wants to see you again", she said and walked away disgusted by Bella's careless attitude.
Bella has worked for this company for six years and barely made enough to keep her head above water and take care of her sick mom.
She insisted that she wasn't going to let a dirt-bag ruin it for her.
She took a deep breath and reminded herself how much she needed her job, promising that she would do whatever she was asked.
"Come in", she heard a soft familiar voice said ask she knocked the door. "You called for me sir", she said firmly.
This time he stood up and walked towards her. He looked at her in the face, almost breathing on her. "Isabella", he said softly, "are you alright?", rubbing his hands on her side cheek.
He called her by her first name this time.
He called her by her last name all day. Does this man have split personalities? Is he even human?
"I I...I'm fine", she stuttered, bowing her head down, trying hard not to let him see the shame that flushed her face.
"I just wanted to check and see if you were alright. I have your cellphone number from the company's file. I will call you so you could save mine. The one you will have will be my direct and private number," he said.
"I don't need your direct number or your private number sir, I can have the general number, its fine," she said.
He kept on looking at her with a blank gaze. He didn't say a word. He pulled himself away and went back to his seat.
Henry buried his head back in his work, the same way he did earlier. Bella didn't wait for him to dismiss her this time, she walked away.
The traffic to her little country home was not as bad as it were this morning.
Ever since her family moved to Jersey over 25 years ago, Bella always loved taking the long way home.
Seeing the scenery always made her feel so calm.
Green luscious mountains. Oh, how she dreamed of having a little cottage there someday.
The Bluetooth on the car answered her cellphone and it was an unknown number.
She suspected that it was Henry and her suspicions, were correct. It was Mr weirdo.
"Bella, where are you?", he asked. "I am on my way home," she replied.
"There's a small café around 44th Street, meet me there", he said.
"I am far from 44th street sir and I don't think it will be a good idea," she responded, rolling her eyes.
He said "ok and hung up"
What a ridiculous piece of work. A man with ego and issues coupled with so much arrogance.
What an idiot she shouted in her car, slamming her hands on her steering wheel.
As soon as Bella got home, she jumped in the shower, made a cup of tea and for the first time she didn't have the energy to make anything to eat.
Her gut must have been very happy that evening.
Besides, she felt drained. Mentally. All she could think about was how that day went.
How her new boss was a man who danced with her a few nights ago and left a permanent stain on my mind.
A confused Bella fell asleep without even knowing and the sound of her growling belly woke her up.
Time check 6:10 am. The sun was piercing through her windowpane.
She quickly grabbed her broken down iPhone and sent an email informing management that she won't be in today.
Once the email was sent, she got up, pulled the blinds and curled back into her bed. Hungry stomach and all.
A few hours later, Bella was awakened by the sound of her cellphone. It was nosey Gem.
"Bella are you OK? We heard you were sick".
"I will live. I just don't feel myself", Bella replied and hung up.
"I am sure Gem just wanted make sure I wasn't dead. She hates me. Why would she even check up on me. Stupesss," Bella said, sliding her phone under her pillow.
Two minutes later, the phone started to ring again.
This time she didn't check the caller I.D, but whoever was on the other end couldn't miss the annoyance in her voice. "Yessss, hello?" she said.
"Ms. Blake this is Henry. Are you ok?".
Silence took over the lines. "Hello" he repeated.
"Yes, I am fine sir. I just needed some time to settle my mind. I know I have a major assignment. So, I will get on it tomorrow," she said knowing how important this is to the company.
"If you need more time take it,", he said and hung up.
By now it was almost midday and Bella rolled out of bed and headed straight to the bathroom then opened the fridge to find food.
She drank some milk from the container and went back under her covers.
It wasn't less than three minutes later she heard the doorbell rang.
She looked through her windows and saw a black car in the parking lot.
It looked like a Ferrari, one of those vehicles people in her hometown couldn't afford unless their father was Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos.--
The persistent ringing of the doorbell was annoying.
"Who is it?", she asked. Bella wasn't expecting anyone. She didn't order any take out.
"It's me Henry"....a voice said from behind the door.
She rolled her eyes and asked "what do you want? How do you know where I live?",
He said "open the door".
Bella turned the doorknob and opened it.
She only had on a rob and she willfully didn't wrap it around her, exposing her bra and shorts.
Women have been known to use these little seductive tricks on men.
Henry was standing there with black pants and pink shirt, holding a massive shopping bag in his hands.
"I brought you some food and...", Before he could finish, she lashed out at him. Why do you think I need food or anything from you Henry?.
Despite her rebellion, she opened the door and let Henry in.
His perfume filled up her little apartment space as she looked at him so flawlessly placing whatever he bought on her small kitchen counter.
This must be his signature...this smell that seem to be captivating to everyone.
"I will leave you now," he said, walking back to the door.
"Henry!!!", she called his name without even knowing.
He turned around without saying a word.
Bella wanted to ask him if he remembered that night and why did he come here?
She had so many questions but she just couldn't find the words.
After standing there for almost thirty seconds waiting for her to say something, Henry left.
The bag was packed with fruits, yogurts, cheeses, nuts and all kinds of expensive healthy food; the kind you don't usually find in Bella's bungalow.
She smiled as she nibbled on some grapes. Imagining that Henry was feeding her.
Why does he have to be so gorgeous and kind? And why does he smell so good?
For a moment she removed him from her bad books.
Bella ate until she couldn't, quite a familiar behavior.
Bright and early the next day she started her make-up.
Curled her hair and ensured she looked speak and spank for the office. She was very early for work too.
That's a first for Bella. Miss always late for everything.
"Well someone had a good rest on her day off...oh sorry sick day I mean", blurted Gem when she saw Bella walked in.
She ignored Gem, mumbling to herself "once a heifer always a heifer".
"No answer missy? I know that look. Someone got some good loving and was too tired to make it to the office", Gem said and laughed.
Gem is someone the entire staff ignores.
She is always blabbering much to do about nothings and she is the office gossip.
She is jealous of everyone even though she's beautiful she's a real ugly person when she opens her mouth.
Bella started her day making nonstop phone calls, giving herself a three-day deadline to finish this project.
She couldn't stop thinking about Henry but she kept busy to pass the time.
It was way past midday and he hadn't call.
She took her phone many times to call but couldn't.
She decided to hide behind her phone screen instead and send him a text message.
"Thank you for your kind gesture yesterday", she wrote.
Several minutes later he replied "ok".
Bella was expecting more than a one-word reply. This man is so strange she thought.
Perhaps he isn't long on words. She noticed he seldom speaks.
She thought to herself that perhaps it's something she needs to understand.
Besides Bella don't even know this man.
For all she knows the man could be some serial killer or something.
It was approaching lunchtime and in the office cafeteria, etiquette is out the window.
People talk while they eat, laughs out loud and slams cutleries into dishes. She couldn't stand the noise.
She wanted to be alone. Somewhere, where she could daydream about her boss.
But there's a rule that no one should eat at their desk, so the cafeteria was the only available lunch room.
As she made her way to the noisy cafeteria, her cellphone rang. It was Henry calling.
"Meet me at the restaurant two blocks from the office. I am upstairs in the private lounge," he said and hung up.
This man is so demanding. So, controlling, she said to herself, as she found her way to "Pearl Garden".
Now, unless there was an official function and the company was paying, staffers never eat at Pearl Garden. The meals are way too expensive.
She made her way to the private lounge to find him sitting there reading a newspaper.
Bella was escorted to him by a waitress. They were alone in the lounge.
This was very strange, since it is a popular place for the first-class people of this town.
"What did you buy off the entire floor this afternoon?", She said jokingly.
"Actually, I did", he replied and continued reading his paper.
Bella sat opposite Henry and looked uncomfortable. The waitress handed them the menu.
A nervous Bella honestly couldn't understand what this menu read. Never had she seen these dishes before.
Their names were foreign to her. "Could you pick out my food?", she asked Henry nicely.
He folded the paper and looked at the menu.
"We'll have the Fortress Stilt Fisherman Indulgence thank you", he said.
They were served a glass of wine, while they waited .
Henry hardly said a word to her but would glimpse at her every now and then.
His glances were intense and caring in the same breath.
She noticed his ring and that made her feel uncomfortable.
Henry isn't approachable so asking if he was married was something Bella didn't wish to find out.
At least she decided to wait until he gives her more information about himself.
Bella was the one doing all the talking. She told Henry a little about herself and how much she loved her job.
She talked about her mom too and her childhood. Bella was quite the yapper.
To be honest, I believe Bella was just breaking the silence that existed on that table full of delicious food.
She talked with her mouth full. Henry was raised proper. He wouldn't speak until his mouth was empty.
"Ride back to the office with me," he said. "Ok", she quickly replied.
Bella had taken a taxi because even though the restaurant was a few blocks from the office, her heels were killing her.
Imagine...she dressed up for Henry today.
Henry was driving a different car this time. This one looked like a mustang.
She didn't care what he had or didn't have, drove or didn't drive. She just liked him a lot.
Henry sent thrills down her spine. He treated her like a lady. And that made her happy. Very happy.