Letting Go

Henry walked into the hospital. Even though he knew the reality, he still felt that there was a slight possibility that this may be a bad dream that went on for days.

"Mr Steven we are happy you are here. We were just about to contact you...It is our policy that if a person shows no sign of recovery after 72 hours, we must pull the plug," the Dr's advice.

There was no easy way to break the news to Henry.

No amount of wealth could prevent the inevitable.

"What if I paid to keep here"?, he asked politely with tears in his eyes.

Henry was very desperate. He was broken in pieces. He had no clue what to do. This mighty and powerful man felt helpless for once in his life.

"Sir it is pointless. If we cannot find a donor...and it seems that it looks impossible for now.... then we have to..." the Dr said.

"You have to kill her? Kill the woman I love?", he sobbed as the Dr embraced him.

"Don't touch me...", Henry yelled falling to the floor and passing out.

The doctor pressed the emergency button to alert the other medics.

Henry's blood pressure was so elevated they were worried he would get a stroke.

Henry had not slept since the ordeal far less to eat a proper meal.

His body gave up and couldn't take the pressure.

Luckily the Dr's were able to administer ACE Inhibitors and lowered Henry's BP.

They were able to stabilize him. He was also given bags of life water. Henry was also dehydrated.

When he woke up, he realized he was at the hospital and remembered what had happened.

The Dr's drew blood from Henry to ensure there was nothing else wrong with him.

They also ran an EKG to check his heart. Elevated blood pressure can affect the artery.

Henry's blood pressure was an eye popping 210/140.

That kind of reading is enough to cause bleeding to the brain.

All the tests came back perfectly fine. The Dr's concluded that his blood pressure elevated as a result of stress. Henry wasn't hypertensive at all.

The Dr's also realized that based on their investigations, Henry was the perfect heart donor for Isabella.

"Sir we would like you to remain here overnight for observation. We have to ensure your BP remains at non-life-threatening numbers," Dr advised several hours later.

"What about Bella Dr? Please don't pull the plug just yet. There is hope. Give her one more day," Henry insisted

The Dr. leaned over and whispered into Henry's ear saying... "I can do you a favor but I can't keep her on this machine for any longer. 24 hours is all I can squeeze at this time".

Henry nodded, praying for a miracle. That she would either be healed or a donor would come forward but from the look of things, that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

Henry could not wrap his mind around the fact that sooner rather than later he would have to bury his mistress.

There are so many things he wanted to say to her. So many plans he had that he never had a chance to fulfil.

Henry fell in love with Bella quickly. He couldn't help himself. He didn't understand what he saw in her. He could have had any woman he wanted.

Women fell in Henry's feet. Some for money, some for fame and some just wanted to say that they had a taste of this rich and powerful man.

Henry never liked a woman that he couldn't have. He had has affairs but this was no affair to him.

He was in love. Truly, madly, deeply in love. He knew what it was to have flings. He had several of them in his lifetime.

Some would demand money and he didn't mind. Women would throw themselves at him especially when he travelled but he never went into the public domain with them.

It was always a one-night stand and most times he never saw these women again.

But Isabella Blake was different. Everything about her was refreshing. She wasn't opulent in society and that didn't matter to Henry.

He wanted to change her life. To give her a more comfortable life. To give her a taste of the rich and famous. He wanted to love her.

It appears that all his hopes had been dashed because Isabella could die any moment from now.