Lyrinx POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, I picked it up and looked at the caller's ID. It's my friend, Keegan.

"What?!" I asked annoyed when I answer the call.

"Good morning to you too." The other line stated.

"What's so good at morning if I will hear your voice." I rolled my eyes.

"Chill dude, anyways are you free tonight?" He asked.

"Yes, why?" I answered.

"We're going to a club, wanna join?" He questioned, it's been a while since we all hang out.

"Yeah, sure I don't have anything to do tonight, so why not?" I responded.

"Alright, see you soon." He replied.

"I'm not looking forward to see you." I stated and I heard him laughed before hanging up.

I do my morning routine, brush my teeth, shower, comb my hair and of course dressing myself.

When I'm done, I stepped outside from my room and when downstairs where the dining room is. Our house isn't that big, it's just fine to fit us, my mom, my dad and me.

I don't have any siblings and it's kind of sad but my parents love me and accept me for who I am that's more than enough to make me happy.

When I reached the dining room, I saw my mom serving our breakfast, I walked towards her and give her a kiss on her cheeks.

"Good morning, mom, want me to help you out there?" I asked.

"Yeah, Can you please get the fried rice over there?" She pointed where the food is.

"Yeah, sure." I walked away and get the food then put it on the table.

"Good morning, hon, Good morning, daughter." My dad stated that made my mom chuckle.

"Whatever, dad." I rolled my eyes and I smile.

We begin eating and talk casual conversation, after eating my breakfast, I went back to my room and picked up my phone. I decided to go to my friend's house.

I go to the stop, and wait for the bus, later that moment the bus stopped and I went in then sat at the middle part, I really don't like riding bus, because I get dizzy but I can handle it if I'm in the middle.

I got out from the bus and walk for about 5 minutes before I saw my friend's house. When I arrived at my friend's doorstep, I knock and the door opened.

"What do I owe for a visit, freak?" Grayson asked, my friend.

I tsked, "I got a little bored at house, and Keegan wants to hang out tonight in club, again." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I know he asked me that." He replied.

"Who are you talk---, Rinx!!" Ava exclaimed and run towards me then hug me. I hugged her back.

"Yeah, it's me, no need to yell, you know." I stated then let go of her.

She chuckle, "I just got excited, you don't go out to your cave that often , you know."

Grayson and Ava are in a relationship and they're living together like you know who cares. I went to the kitchen and open their fridge, I saw strawberry ice cream, that's my favorite by the way, I got it out and get a spoon and starts eating it.

"Yeah, right, you got out from your cave, came here knocking at my door, talking to us like 5 minutes or so, then went to our kitchen and search for food, how touching is that?" Grayson stated with full of sarcasm and I just rolled my eyes.

"If you don't want me to eat your food then don't buy the food that I like." I argue.

"But the food you like is the food that my girlfriend's like." He responded rolling his eyes and I chuckled.

"I know, that's why I love your girlfriend." I stated and give him a sweet smile.

"I'm going to call our friends to come here." He said then go out from the kitchen.

After an hour our friends came, Keegan, Ashley and Lily.

"So, Keegan, When are we going to club?" Ashley asked.

"Around 7:00 - 7:30 pm, What do you think?" Keegan replied.

"That's great, we all going to meet up here and we all go at the club together." Grayson stated.

"Keegan, pick me up to my house, I don't want to take bus to get here." I stated and Keegan nodded, we all agreed, when we finish discussing we played video games and you know eat lunch and snacks.

It's already 6:00 pm when we decided that we all need to go home to get ready. Of course, Keegan sent me to my house.

"Pick me at 7 pm." I stated and went inside my house.

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" I yelled and I saw them get out from the kitchen.

"Welcome back, honey." My mom greeted me.

"I'm going to club tonight, can I?" I asked, well, even they don't want me to go, I will still go.

"Yes, sure, it's good to see you going out with your friends and not locking yourself at your room, just be careful and take care, okay?" My dad replied and I give them a smile.

"We will, mom, thanks Mom, Dad, I will get ready now." I said and bid them goodbye.

I went to my room, I undress myself and went to the bathroom and take a bath, then brush my teeth and pick clothes that will make me comfortable, I picked a white T-shirt and jeans.

I dried my hair using blower and don't even bother to brush it, I kind of feeling lazy to brush my hair. After that I look myself from the mirror. I look decent, I'm not masculine nor fat, I'm not too skinny as well, My height is 5'3 kind of short for boy? Well, I don't care, I have pink haired, every 2 months I'm dying my hair because why not.

"Rinx! Keegan is here!" My mother yelled, not too loud but enough for me to hear.

"I'm coming!" I shouted back.

I went downstairs and see my friend sitting on the couch.

"Hello there, Sir, come on." I said and went out from my house and my friend followed me.

We hopped inside his car, then he starts the engine and drive to Grayson's house. After like thirty minutes drive, we arrived. We saw our friends waiting outside from the house. I climbed out from the car and hug them.

"Let's go!" I stated, a bit feeling excited.

They all cheered and went to our own cars, well, I don't have a car, so basically I'm going to ride at Keegan's car again. It's not like my Mom and Dad can't afford it, but, I don't really know how to drive and I don't want to die at car accident so I choose to not to buy for myself.

When we arrived at the club, I can hear the loud music coming from the inside, and I kinda feel like someone is banging with my head.

"It's too loud." I complained.

"What are you expecting for club? be silent?" Lily stated and rolled her eyes.

"That's enough, let's go inside, shall we?" Ava said and we all enter the loud club.