Lyrinx POV

I woke up, Chris beside me still sleeping, I sat up and went to his bathroom and brush my teeth. When I'm done I wake him up.

"Chris, Wake up." I said and he doesn't move. "Chris, it's time to wake up." I shake his shoulders but he still didn't move, I begin to kiss him all over his face then I kiss his lips.

I felt his hands move to my hips and was about to pulled away when he pulled me on top of him and kissed me back. He pulled away then opened his eyes.

"Good morning." I said then I smiled at him.

"Good morning to you too my sweet." He replied and I blush at the nickname.

"Let's have a date." He suddenly said.

"Huh? Date? In morning?" I asked amazed.

"Yeah, why? is there any rule that say we can't date in morning?" He stated.

"No, I'm just a bit surprised, it's my first time to hear that someone wants to have a date early in the morning." I explained.

"Well, your boyfriend is one in a million guy so let's go?" He said and I nod.

"But I don't have clothes here." I said and he get up, I followed him when he opened a door.

It's a walk in closet, I didn't think that this is the things behind this doors, I really didn't bother to open nor touch this door. He grabbed white shirt and jeans and gave it to me.

"Try it, I think it will fit you, that's the smallest clothes I have, you can change here." He said then look for his own clothes.

I turn my back at him and begin to strip my clothes, I take off of my shirt first, then I slipped in the shirt he gave then I remove my pants while removing it, I felt eyes on me the next thing I knew a two strong arms were wrap around my waist.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Why? Can't I just hug you, baby?" He asked back.

"No, but we need to get ready, I thought you want to take me on a date." I responded.

"Yeah, I will take you on a date but can we just do something for a minute?" He whispered on my ears that send shivers down through my spine.

"No." I said sternly but he start to kiss my neck. "If you don't stop right now, I won't sleep with you tonight." I warned him, it's effective because he slightly back off but his arms are still around my waist.

"Okay, I will surely ravish you tonight." He whispered on my ears and bit my earlobe gently then walk away, probably getting ready.

I finally slipped in the jeans that he gave me, we stepped outside his walk in closet when we all set up and we walk out from his room then left the house. He opened the door of the car for me and I thanked him, he run towards the driver seats and he sat then he start the engine. We arrived at a fancy restaurant.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

"I'm taking you on a date." He said casually.

"But we can just go to the mall and we can eat there." I replied.

"Nope, I want our first date to be in a fancy restaurant, where you can eat fancy food." He stated.

He hold my hand and we both walk inside.

"Table for 2, Sir?" The guy said.

"Yes." Chris replied shortly.

"This way, Sir." The guy replied and he guide us to our table.

Chris pulled a chair for me to seat and I thanked him, such a gentleman. He calls the waiter and the waiter gives us the menu.

"Just call me if you're ready to order, Sir." The waiter said before he left.

I opened the menu and was shock at the price of the foods in here, I looked at Chris who's eyeing the menu then I close the menu that I'm holding.

"Uhmm...can you order me something?" I asked him, he then look at me.

"Yeah, why?" He questioned.

"Uhmm...the price here are so expensive." I said then he chuckled.

"Okay, It's my pleasure to order your food, my love." He said, made me blush.

"Thank you." I said.

After some minutes he called the waiter back and said our orders. We talked some things, like where did I graduated, what course did I take, and something like that.

When our orders arrived, I thanked the waiter and he just nod then smiled at me and he leave. We begin to eat out foods. He ordered red wine and I just ordered juice then water, I don't feel like drinking alcohol this morning.

"It so delicious." I said after my first bite.

"Yeah, the foods here are so delicious, this is where my friends and I go when we're young." He stated.

"Young? Why are you old already?" I teased him.

"Old? who? me? of course not." He answered.

We continue our conversation until we finished our foods. The waiter guy came in and he handed the receipt at Chris and Chris put money on it, then we left.

"Thank you for bringing me here." I said.

"Anything for you, my love." He replied then we both get in his car.

"Where are we going next?" He then asked, I think some places I want to go and I think something fun.

"At the amusement park." I answered.

"Okay." He replied, after a not that long drive we finally arrived at the park, I pulled him in.

"What should we ride first?" I asked silently.

"What about that car?" Chris said then pointed at the bumpcars, there's a lot of children their.

"There? What are you a child?" I asked laughing. "How about rollercoaster?" I said then I pulled him to the ticket booth.

"Two tickets please." I said.

"It costs php 200." The woman said then I paid her.

I gave our tickets to the man who's in charge. We both sat down in the middle, it's perfect place, well, atleast for me. It's not that scary when you're in the middle than if you're in the front nor the back. When the guy starts to countdown I joined in.

"3....2...1, AHHHHHH!!!" I shouted, I looked at Chris beside me when I didn't hear him screaming, and I saw him with his eyes tightly shut.

"CHRIS!! YOU CAN SHOUT!!" I shouted at him but he just shook his head.