Lyrinx POV

We went to the zoo next and I'm so happy about it, my last visit in the zoo was, I guess I'm just 6 years old.

"Let's go there." I said then I pulled Chris with me.

It's so cute to see animals, oh I left my stuffed toys in the car btw, because Chris said I might lose it. We went to where the bunnies are. Their are just so so cute.

"Isn't they cute?" I said while looking at them lovingly.

"Yeah they are, but you're way cuter." Chris replied and I blush again, I'm blushing from this morning until now.

"Let's go there, I want to see some birds." I stated and he just nodded his head. It's so great to be with him.

After couple of hours, the sun is getting down and the zoo is going to be close.

"The zoo will be close after 20 minutes." The speaker said.

"Let's go." Chris said, but I felt sad, I still want to be in here.

"We will go here again, okay?" He added then I smiled at him.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Of course, anything for you, now, let's go." He said again then I nodded.

We arrived at his car in the parking lot, as usual he opened the door for me before getting in his side. He turned on the engine then we started to hit the road, I'm going to sleep at his place again, I really love cuddling with him.

When we arrived, we stepped in and I smelled the food first, it smells delicious, I went to the dinning room to see what it is and I saw Elizabeth putting the food in the plate, I help her putting it down on the table.

"Come on, let's eat, you all can join us." I said they all smile at me and they sit. After we say our grace, thanking the creator for the blessings today, we started to dig in. I moaned at how delicious it is.

"Don't moan like that, I might take you here." Chris whispered in on my ears, I blush and slightly hit him.

"We're in front of the food." I nagged at him.

After we finished our dinner, we both went to his bedroom then I went to his bathroom. I'm brushing my teeth when he wrap his arms around my waist and starts kissing my nape which sends shivers down to my spine.

I finished brushing my teeth while he, kissing my nape, I turn around and he started to kiss my neck.

"It's your time to brush your teeth." I said between my moans, there's two brush in here now.

"Okay, my love but can we take a shower after I brush my teeth?" He asked innocently but I know it's a fake innocent, I do know that he is up to something but I still agree.

"Okay, I will just go to shower and when you're done you can join me in." I stated, I started to take off my clothes until I get fully naked, then I stepped in the shower.

After some minutes, the door of the shower is being opened and Chris stepped in without any clothes, I saw his member, hard as rock, and his eyes are full of lust and love, what did I signed up.

He move to my my back and he held my length, he started to slowly jerked me off and I moan.

"Aren't we supposed to be showering?" I asked between my moans.

"Do you really think that we're just going to shower?" He asked huskily.

"On your knees my love, suck me." He said then I obeyed, I stand on my knees, his crotch is facing my face.

I licked the head of his member and I heard him groan which turned me on more. I massage his balls then I take him in my mouth, he's big and long, it can't fully fit in my mouth without me gagging. I held the part of his member that didn't get in my mouth and I start to move my head.

"Oh, fuck." He growled then he tug my hair then guided my head, he begin to thrust in my mouth until he pulled his member out.

"Stand up, put your hands on the wall and bend a little." He stated then I do what I was told.

I felt a fingers playing on my entrance and I moaned, then I felt his one finger invading my entrance and I bit my lips to prevent the pervert sounds that will come out from my mouth.

"I want to hear you moan, my love." He asked them he insert another finger which made me gasp.

He began to move his fingers in and out and my moan. He insert his third finger, I felt pain but it's more bearable unlike the first time we did this. I continue to moan loudly until he pulled his fingers out, I'm about to whine when I felt something pushing in more bigger.

"Shit, you're so tight, babe." Chris said in my ears while still pushing in, I moaned loudly until he fully in and stop for a while.

He begin to move when I nodded my head.

"You're so big." I said between my moans.

"And you're so fucking tight." He stated.

He continue to thrust inside me, until he hit a spot inside of me which cause me to moan more loudly.

"There, fuck me there." I stated.

"My pleasure babe." He replied then he continue his thrust.

"Please make it more faster.....harder... deeper." I moaned.

He did what I said, my eyes are rolling back from so much pleasure, my legs are shivering because of delight, I will be on the floor right now if it isn't because of his arms wrap around my waist supporting me.

"I'm coming." I said.

"Come with me, sweetheart." He said.

After some more thrust I let my seeds out it hits the wall and he came inside me and I moaned from the feeling being filled. He pulled put and I was panting, he place me inside the tub then kiss my temple.

"That was amazing." He stated.

"It is, but I'm tired now, I want to sleep." I replied which cause him to laugh.

"We still need to take a bath, my love." He said.

"Then wash me, you put me in the mess so it's your responsibility to clean me up." I replied then I saw him smirk.

"Of course I will my love." He responded.

He cleaned me up first before cleaning himself. He put his two fingers on my whole and I glared at him.

"I won't do anything babe not unless you want me to." He said

He spread my hole with and he watched the remaining cum slipped out from my ass. After that he begin to wash himself, after we finish 'bathing' he picked me up bridal style and he sit me on the sink of the bathroom.

He dried me with his towel and he did it to himself too, he picked me up again but this time my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms are tangled around his neck. He laid me down on the bed and he slipped me in the clothes.

He then slipped into his after he finished mine, he laid beside me and pulled me closer to him.

"Good night, my love." He said then I just hummed and let myself drifted off to sleep.