Lyrinx POV

Since me and Chris made up, he became more protective and possessive over me, I'm not complaining tho but sometimes it gets overboard, I remember when a customer touched my hand accidentally he literally yelled at them until I kissed him to shut up.

But he became more sweet than before, he still spoiling me, buying me lilo and stitch, some books and foods I like, I also living in his house when I became his fiancé. After telling it to his parents we went to my house to tell to my parents next, my mom was so happy but my dad threatened Chris not to hurt me again, but overall they still welcomed him to the family.

And now, today is the most special day of my life. Today is our wedding day, I will wear a white suit and Chris will wear black, obviously. My friends are here.

"I'm happy for you." Sam said.

"Congratulations." Elijah stated.

"Aww who would think that you're the one who's going to be married first?" Ava asked, I let out a Chuckles on that.

"I also didn't think that I was the one who will the first to be marry, I thought you and Grayson will." I stated and she blushed.

"Well, about that he proposed to me, a week ago." She said blushing and I squeal in excitement.

"Wow really? That's great." I said.

"Sam, when are we going to be married?" Keegan asked while pouting.

"Soon baby, I will propose to you soon." Sam stated.

"Really?" Keegan asked.

"Of course babe." Sam answered then he kissed Keegan on his lips.

"Uhmm please don't be a PDA couple, respect for the singles out here." Lily said while pointing at herself and to Ashely.

We all laugh at that and my stylists came in and starts their work. They put slight make up on my face, I'm sure, Chris tell it to them.

After they finished my make up, my hair and my suit our organizer came in.

"You need to get on there." She said before leaving, then we all get out and went to where my wedding will be.

•Chris POV•

It's time, I'm here now, waiting for the love of my life to walk on the aisle, feeling nervous.

"Are you nervous?" Jaypee asked.

"Yeah, I'm feeling nervous at the same time happy." I replied.

"Congratulations, dre we all are happy for you." He stated.

"Thank you." I said and the organizer shush me.

"Don't be too loud, he's outside." She said then leave.

He's outside, my baby is out there. He's going to enter sooner or later, I'm excited to see how beautiful he is.

The door opened and my beautiful soon-to-be-husband stepped in, he looks so gorgeous and so beautiful. I stared at him until he reached my spot and I saw some tears escaped from his eyes and I wiped it.

"Don't cry, you look so beautiful, my love." I said and he just smiled at me and I smile back.

"Let's go so we can get this done and I can ravish you tonight." I said making him blush.

We both stepped towards the priest.

"We all gathered here to witnessed the undying love of this two human being." The priest stated.

The ceremony continues until we need to say our vows.

"At first, I didn't think that someone will love me, I didn't think someone will look at me lovingly, I didn't think that someone marry me, I didn't think that I will be marrying the one I kissed in the bar that night because of the dare." He said. "I love you, Chris Laurence. And I vow to love you for the rest of my life." He added then smile at me.

"I love you too. I'm happy that I can love you and I'm your first boyfriend and will be the last. I'm sorry for hurting you, for not listening to you, for making you cry, I didn't think that I will love again after my previous relationship years ago, but you changed it, you make me feel love again, and I'm not regretting the moment I kissed you at the bar, I vow to love you unconditionally for all of my life and I won't let you cry again. I love you, Lyrinx Constellion-Laurence." I stated lovingly.

"And now I pronounced you husband and husband." The priest said. "You may now kiss each other." He added.

I leaned in and kissed his lips, he wrap his arms around my neck the crowds are cheering happily as we kissed, then I pulled away.

"I love you so so much." I said.

"I love you too." He replied.

We both walk down on the aisle hand in hand, they're throwing flowers at us as we walk towards outside. Then, we saw the car waiting for us that we will ride to go to our reception. We traipsed towards the car and I opened the door for him then I get inside after him. I put the window down and we both waved at them.

"Good bye, see you at the reception!" I yelled and put the window up again.

"So? I am officially Laurence now." My husband said looking at his and my wedding rings.

"Of course, my love." I said and I kissed him.

When we arrived at our reception the guest are already there, our organizer told us to wait behind this door until she calls us.

"Good evening everyone!" Our organizer yelled.

"Tonight is the greatest night for our friend, Chris and Lyrinx Laurence. So please welcome our newlyweds." She added and the door opened making the crowd see us then they all clap their hands. I saw my friends with their husband and wife, well much like Kaiden and William, whistling. We sat at our own seats.

"Why don't you close your eyes for a while?" I asked.

"What for?" He asked back.

"I have a surprise for you, can you do it for me?" I asked and he nodded then he close his eyes.

I motioned them to let it in and they moved it the crowd went silent not wanting to ruin my surprise to my husband.

"You can open your eyes now." I said then he do what he was told.

He teared up again when he saw a cake that crafted as Lilo and Stitch, I personally tell them that they should do that cake.

"T-thank you so so much." He said while sobbing.

"Wait there's more, my love." I said and looked at the baby girl sitting on the stroller with a pacifier in her mouth. He walked towards our baby girl.

"How?" He asked.

"I told my secretary to find a child that's need to be adopted and she found her." I replied smiling at him.

"What is her name?" He asked.

"Her name is Sydney Constellion-Laurence." I answered. He picked her out from her stroller and he walked towards are seat and sat there and I followed him, he sat our child on his lap.

"Thank you so much." He said then kissed me on my lips.

"That's so cute, please let's give the Laurence family a around of applause." Our organizer said, and the crowd claps their hands.

"And now, please welcome, Chris's friends to give their speech." She said then my friends walk up to the stage.

"Good evening everyone, I'm Kaiden Meiresone, I'm the husband of Dwayne Meiresone, he's over there, I love you babe." He said then Dwayne blushes while he's children teasing him. "Anyways, tonight isn't my night, but my friend over there." He pointed at me. "Congratulations dre for finding the love of your life, I still remember how you shout when you catch the garter and you literally also catch the flower that my sweetheart threw. Congratulations to the both of you, I wish you both happiness and good health." He added then gives the mike to William.

"Good evening, I'm William Riles and I'm the husband of my lovely wife over there, she's Haisley Riles, I love you. I want to congratulate my mate there, for finding his true love, I wish you both success in life and always take care of yourselves and keep safe on having sex." He said and I laugh but Lyrinx beside me blushed.

"I'm Jaypee Widley and I'm handsome, Lyrinx thank you for changing our friend's mind, we all already know that he will be so madly inlove with you when we first saw how he stared at you. Our friend over there beside might be a narrow minded but he's gonna love you for the rest of your life." He said, I glared at them.

"I'm Sean Carter and I'm so charismatic. Lyrinx we all thanking you for mending our friend's broken soul. Stay inlove for the rest of your life." He said.

"I'm Kyle Thopmsone and I'm sexy, Congratulations to the both of you and to your new family and Chris grow up."

"I'm Paul Gallagher and I'm rich, Congratulations, Chris you need to treat us."

"I'm Darsh Bryant and I'm hot, Congratulations, Chris you need to pay us for advising you." He said and they was about to go down the stage when I yelled.

"Where's my tarpaulin, fuckers!?" I yelled and my husband hits my lap. "What?"

"No cursing infront of our child." He stated glaring at me and I nodded.

"We almost forgot." Kyle said then they hold the tarpaulin saying 'CONGRATULATIONS MR. POSSESSIVE HUSBAND OF THE YEAR!!' and the crowd laughs.