William POV

"WHO GIVES YOU THE FUCKING PERMISSION TO ORDER THE GUARDS TO DRAG MY FIANCÉ!?" I yelled at Lianne, she looks shock as well as the beautiful lady beside me.

"S-sorry Sir, I-I d-didn't mean to, I d-didn't know that she's your finacé." Lianne explained and I held my 'fiancé' hand then I dragged her to my office.

When we went in and I'm assured that the door is lock and no one will come in, I motioned her to sit down and I sat down on my chair.

"What's your name?" I asked calmly, I don't to scared her away.

"H-haisley, Haisley Bella." She answered then I smile, she has a beautiful name it suits her.

"Why do you want to withdraw your father's money with an authorization letter?" I asked.

"My f-father is in the hospital now and I need his money to pay for the bill, even I made an authorization letter he can't sign it." She replied then I heard a little sobs.

"You can't withdraw his money." I said and she looked at me.

"Please, I really need it." She plead.

"But I have an offer for you." I stated and she looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"You need to pretend as my fiancé, you will move at my house, your parents will move at another house of mine near where you will move out so you can always go to their house." I stated. "I will pay for the hospital bill and to his other medication, you won't use any of your money to his medication." I replied, I wish she agreed.

"You will pay for everything? from the hospital bill, medicine and his other necessities?" She repeated what I have just said.

"Yeah, I will." I answered shortly.

After for some time, she answered that made me smile.

"Okay, I will be your pretend fiancé." She said shyly.

"That's great, let's go." I stated and stands up.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"We're going to buy a ring." I answered then she stands up and she follows me outside my office.

"I'm so sorry, ma'am, I didn't know that you're Mr. Riles fiancé." Lianne said to Haisley but before she can speak, I speak for her.

"You need to be punish for disrespecting my fiancé, you ar-----" I stated but cut off by Haisley.

"You don't need to fire her." She said calmly to me and look at Lianne. "It's okay, I'm in fault to because I didn't tell you." She added then smile sweetly I love her smile.

I held her hand and she was surprised at first but then smiled at me brightly. We stepped out from the building and was about to go to where my car is when Haisley stopped me.

"The bus stop is over there." She said while pointing at the other direction.

"Bus what?" I asked confused, why do we need to go there?

"Bus stop, we need to go there to ride a bus." She answered.

"Why do we need to ride a bus?" I asked.

"You said we need to buy a ring?"

"Yeah, but we're not going to ride bus nor going to bus stop, we will ride my car, so come on." I answered and she nodded then we walk to my car hand in hand. When we arrived at my car she let out a gasp.

"We will be riding this?" She asked.

"Why? You don't ride a car before?" I asked.

"Uhmm yeah." She whispered but I still heard it.

"Okay, now you will so get in." I said opening the door for her to get in.

When she get in I closed the door and run to driver side, I get in and buckle my seat belt, I was about to start the engine when I saw her seatbelt unbuckle.

"Buckle your seatbelt, it's for safety." I stated and she fastened her seatbelt then I starts the engine and we left. We finally arrived at the jewelry store.

"Good morning, Ma'am, Sir." The guard said.

"Good morning." Haisley replied and I just nod to the guard and we get in.

"What can I do for you, ma'am, sir?" The lady asked.

"We're here to buy an engagement ring." I answered.

"This way, sir." She said and guide us to where the rings are.

"You can choose anything you want." I said to Haisley.

She started to look around and I was just sitting on the sofa waiting for her to figure oug what she likes.

"Uhmm, can I get this as the engagement ring?" Haisley asked at my back and I turned around.

I saw a ring, it has a simple desig, one diamond and it's beautiful but it's too simple for her.

"It's beautiful, but it's a bit simple, are you sure you want this?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I am." She answered and I pulled her to where the rings are and look around.

"This? You don't want it?" I asked holding a more elegant and has more diamonds ring.

"No, I'm sure, this is fine for me, I know it isn't that fancy looking but it's beautiful because it's simple." She explained and I sighed.

"Okay, do you have her size?" I asked the lady.

"Yes, sir, I will just get her size, wait for a minute." The lady said before she left.

"Thank you." I heard her said.

"No need to thank me." I replied.

"No, I need to, you're going to pay for my father's bill and his necessities plus you will let my parents to live in one of your house." She said.

"I know, you will pretend as my fiancé so we're even."

"But it's not enough to pay you back for what you will do for my family." I was about to reply when the lady came back with a velvet box.

"Here it is." She said. "It costs $5000."

I get my wallet and slipped out my credit card and I handed it to the lady, then she walked away.

"Uhmm sorry, I choose an expensive one." She said.

"Don't worry, it isn't the most expensive one and what I choose a while ago was more than expensive from what you've chosen." I explained, I opened the box and hold her and slipped her ring finger in the ring.

She looked at it and she smile so brightly, I looked at it too and it suits her well.

"It suits you well." I complimented her.