William POV

When she said that she's usually inside their house, it got me thinking that what if she haven't went to the cinema to watch movies? She still don't have an experience eating at a restaurant? She hasn't play in arcade or buy her own clothes in the mall.

At that thought, I said to her that we should go out and go to the mall to roam around a little bit and buy what she wants.

When we arrived at the mall and we enter inside of it we just walked around like little chickens that are lost until she stop for a bit looking for the phone stand well should I say to a phone that really is beautiful I won't lie at that.

She just looked at it for a while and I know what she's thinking just looking at her disappointed face, she wants to buy it but she can't.

So when a sales lady came beside me asking for what could she helped me for. I pointed at the phone and she described to me what it is. I motioned for Haisley to come beside and me gladly she did.

"Is it beautiful?" I asked her.

"Yeah it is." She responded.

"Okay then." I stated and look at the sales lady. "I'm going to get this." I added.

The sales lady guided us to wherr the counter is, when Haisley asked me why did I bought a phone when my phone is still working. I just answered her that I'm going to give it to someone.

When they said the price of it, I handed them my credit card and they swiped it on the machine, after a minute of waiting they handed me my credit card back and I slipped it in my wallet then to my pocket.

I asked them to put it in the paper back and gladly they did it.

When I finished buying the phone, I asked her if she wanted to eat and she does.

"Where do you want to eat?" I asked her.

"Can we eat at the food court?" She asked back and I looked at her confused, why would she eat there?

"F-food what?" I asked not believing what just she said, we are here in the mall and we will just eat at the food court? but I just let her, I don't want to upset her today.

"Food court, we can eat there." She said.

"Okay, let's get going." I said.

When we arrived at the 'food court' I saw many crowds in there but it's not still full, we found a table that is clean and empty, I pulled out her chair and she take a seat, I then followed her.

"Are you sure you want to eat here?" I asked, she can still change her mind.

"Yes, I'm sure now stop asking." She stated clearly a bit annoyed and I sighed.

A waiter went to our table asking what we wanted to eat, and we said out orders to him. While waiting for our order to come something came up in my mind.

"What is your ideal date?" I asked she looks a bit surprised.

"Huh?" She asked confused.

"What is your ideal date?" I asked again looking directly to her.

"Uhmm I want my first date to be special." She stated.

"First? so you still don't go in a date yet?" I asked amazed.

"Uhmm yeah, no one will date me." She said a saw a glint sad emotion in her eyes but it wash away with her sweet smile.

"No, don't think like that you're beautiful and it's their lost that they didn't dated you back then." I stated, yeah they let go of a beautiful gem for an ordinary stone.

"It's fine, anyways my ideal date is at night, of course, under the starts that is twinkling and under the mood that is shinning bright at sky." She said excitedly and I smile at her looking at her happy face.

"I want to eat my favorite foods, a bouquet of pink roses, and I want to dance with my date at my first date." She finished.

"That's a beautiful ideal date of yours." I stated.

"I know, but I won't experience that because no one will date me." She said looking a bit sad.

"Don't worry someone will date you in the future, I know that." I stated, of course I know that because I'm that someone.

"Yeah, I hope so, I really wanted to experience date, they said it's cool and heart warming, I want to feel that way too." She said with a hopeful voice.

I just smiled at her and our orders came in. Haisley say our grace, she always doing that, before I met her I don't usually pray before I eat but after I met her and we start to eat together, I got used to it, when she or we eat, she always the one who will pray, and when you didn't she will nag at you later after eating the food.

After we pray we starts to eat, when we finish eating I excused myself to the bathroom.

When I got to the hall of the bathroom I dialed one of my guards number, Bryan.

"Good afternoon sir?" Byan asked in thr other line.

"Hey Bryan, I want you to do something." I stated.

"What is it boss?" He asked.

"Can you ask Haisley's parents of what foods are her favorite and tell the maid to cook it." I stated. "Then go to a flower shop to buy a bouquet of pink roses."

"Okay sir." He replied.

"Then set up a table and two chairs at the backyard of the house, set it up where we can see the starts and the moon, got it?"

"Yes sir, I got it."

"Next buy a stuffed Mickey Mouse a human size if you can buy something like that, understand?" I stated sternly.

"Yes sir." He replied.

"Good now do it, I want it to be done at 10pm before we got home." I stated and hangs up the phone without waiting for his reply, I call Bryan to do this thing because I trusted him the most being my guard, he's already guarding me since I was a kid.

After hanging up the phone, I went back to Haisley and saw a man sitting there infront of her, he's touching her hand and she looks very uncomfortable at him. My blood boiled at the man who's holding my fiancé, who the fuck he is to touch my girl?

Haisley is pulling her hand out from the grasp of the man but he just don't let her go. I'm totally pissed at that and made my way towards the man and help him stand up then I punched him right to his face and he stumbled down on the floor then I heard the crowd gasp.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO TOUCH MY FIANCÉ, HUH?" I asked yelling at him.

"Why did you punch me?" He asked standing up and touching his now bleeding lips, then I punch him again and cause him to got down on the floor again.

"YOU'RE ASKING WHY!? YOU JUST MADE A MISTAKE BY HOLDING MY FIANCÉ'S HAND!" I yelled again and was about to punch him again when arms were wrapped around my waist that cause me to stop moving.

When I looked behind me, I saw my fiancé hugging me from my back and I calmed down for a bit, she shakes her head indicating that I must stop now and I nodded then look at the man on the floor again.

"Don't. You. Ever. Dare. To. Touch. Her. Again." I stated sternly and the man nodded and runaway.