William POV

Today is the day that we're going to Philippines, my plane is already ready and we are the one that only waiting. I don't ride at the public plane, first because it's too crowded, second it will be hot and third I don't want to spend so much money and time buying tickets.

Haisley is packing some of her clothes. We already tell it to her parents so they won't be surprised if they didn't find us in our house. I'm on my phone now talking to my secretary.

"The party will be in the night tomorrow so you can still a time to rest for a bit." Tessa said in the other line.

"Okay, got it." I stated and hangs up the phone.

I walked inside Haisley and I's bedroom.

"Are you done?" I asked, she closed her luggage and sighed.

"Yes." She replied then smile at me.

"Let's go, so we can be there tomorrow morning." I said and looked at my watch, it's already 5:30 pm.

I grabbed her luggage and we both went downstairs. When we got out from the house, our car is waiting for us, Bryan opened it for us and closed it when we get in, he then get in at the passenger seat and the driver starts the engine.

When we arrived at the airport Bryan get our luggages we then walked in to the bus that we will ride in. After a couple of minutes, we finally got inside my plane.

"We will take off now, kindly buckle your seatbelts." Our pilot stated and we buckle our seatbelts on.

"Are you excited?" I asked.

"Yes, super, I really want to go to Philippines because I watch many videos about Philippines and they said it's a great country." She replied.

"Yeah, it is, except for the bad guys." I replied.

"Yeah." She said then yawned.

"Let's go." I stated to her while unbuckling our seatbelts.

"Where are we going? we supposed to be seating here." She said then I chuckled.

"We're going to the bed to go to sleep." I stated.

"Let's go." I added and she stand up then yawned.

"Do you want me to carry you?" I asked smirking.

"No need I can walk." She said and yawned.

She then walk before me with her eyes half closed, I walked towards her and picked her up. She didn't protest and tangled her arms around my neck and snuggles on my chest, I let out a chuckles.

"I told you, I will carry you." I stated.

"Yeah, whatever." She said closing her eyes and go to her dreamland.

We arrived at the bedroom and we went in, I laid her down on the bed carefully not to wake her up. I laid down beside her when I slipped out of my pants. I tuck us in the blanket and I pulled her close to me then I sleep beside her.

I woken up by the knock on our door and I saw my beautiful fiancé snuggling in my neck, I smiled on that. I slightly poke her cheeks to wake her up.

"We need to get up the plane is about to land." I said and she sat up and stretches her arms and yawning.

"Let's go, we can eat breakfast when we got to my house." I stated and we both got up.

I slipped in my pants and we ready ourselves to get out then we both walked out from the bedroom. We then sat down on our chair in the front and we both buckle our seatbelts.

"Good morning, I'm your pilot, kindly buckle your seatbelt, we are about to land." We heard the pilot said.

After half an hour, we landed I looked at my watch and it's already 8am. Bryan got our luggages out and we head out from the airport then I saw the car that's waiting for us.

We both head out and went to the car, I opened the door for Haisley to get in, when she got in, I followed her in, then Bryan sat on the passenger seat, then the driver starts the engine and we hit the road.

I dialed my friend's number to tell them that my plane landed. After a couple of rings my friend pick up.

"What's up dre?" Chris asked over the phone.

"My plane just landed and I will be throwing a party later this night at around 9pm." I answered.

"That's great then, welcome back by the way." He replied.

"Thank you, anyways tell Kaiden to bring his the one." I stated smirking and the man over the phone laugh.

"I will, I got to go, gonna tell them that." He stated and he hangs up the phone.

"Where are we going now?" Haisley asked looking at me.

"We're going to my house." I answered and she just nod and look to the window.

When we was about to come into the village where I lived before I went to Italy the guard motioned my driver to stop, then my driver rolled the window down on his side.

"Sir, you can't go in if you're not living here and we must know if the person you're going to visit knows that you're be in here." Said by the guard, I just shook my head and smile.

The security in here is still strict as ever, well, that's the way we wanted it. I rolled down the window on my side and the guard look at me.

"Can we now get in, Ed?" I asked, Ed was the guard here before I go to Italy and I'm surprised to see him here still.

"Sir William? Is that you?" He asked smiling wide.

"Yeah, it's me, Ed." I answered.

"It's good that you're back now, Sir, your friends are still a pain in my ass, including you." He stated that made me laugh.

We really are pain in his ass, he always nagging at us when someone sneaking in without him knowing it because we didn't tell him.

"Yeah, yeah I will be here again so the pain in your ass is now complete." I stated and he just sighed.

"Yeah anyways this is my fiancé, Haisley Bella." I added and pointed at Haisley beside me, she waved at him and he smiled at her.

"Nice to meet you ma'am, I'm very sorry if William is giving you a headache but I know he will love you." Ed stated, he really know me and my friends well, he is our father in this village.

"Anyways, you're friends are in the company, I bet they're teasing Kaiden again." He added and I just nod.

We both bid our goodbyes and I rolled up the window and the opened the gate to let us in.

"Why everyone beside you is so nice? you really choose the right people to be in your side." Haisley suddenly said looking at me.

"Yeah, I know they're my second family and I won't trade them for the world." I genuinely stated.

She nodded her head, then she looked outside and she just sighed.

"Why every house in here is just like a mansion?" I heard her mumbled.