Haisley POV

"Nathan, Niel, came down here now, you're both going to be late at your school!" I yelled downstairs calling my 11 year old and 9 year old sons.

When they both came down, Nathan is carrying his 2 year old sister, Cyrelle, and Niel carrying the stuffed bunny of his sister.

"Good morning mom." They both said in unison.

"Good morning too my princes and my princess." I replied and they both sat on the chair, between them is their.

"Sorry, mom, we were playing with Nathy." Niel stated, poking at his sister's cheeks.

"It's fine, but you can play with her when you get back home." I stated and before they whine I speak up again.

"The summer is already close, if you didn't do a great work, you will be force by your dad to study at summer and you won't be able to play with your sister." I stated.

"That's not gonna happen, mom." Nathan stated.

They both love and protect their sister they spoiling her just like their dad.

"Come on and sit, I'm just going to wake your dad up so we can all have a breakfast." I stated.

"Yes, mom." Nathan and Niel stated in unison and Cyrelle giggles.

I walk upstairs and went to my and William's room, when I walk in I saw my husband still sleeping, I guess he's still tired, he came home late yesterday because of a little problem at work but it's all good now.

I walk towards him and sat beside him. I softly kiss his lips and he groan, he was about to kiss me back when I pulled away.

"Get up, you're daughter and sons are waiting downstairs for us." I stated brushing my hand to his hair.

He then open his eyes and yawned then stretches his arms.

"Good morning, beautiful." He stated and I blush.

"Good morning." I stated.

"Now get up." I added.

"Kiss me first so I can get up." He stated and I rolled my eyes but I still kiss him.

He then get up and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth when he was done, he came out with still a messy hair and in his boxers.

"Dress up now." I stated.

"Can we make love?" He stated and I shake my head.

"No." I answered.

"But we didn't do it for two days now because of fucking problems in the bank." He whined and I glared at him.

"Don't curse the kids might hear you." I stated still glaring at him and he raise his both hands sign of surrending.

"Now, dress up and get down so we can all eat breakfast." I stated sternly.

"Okay." He stated.

Then he walk in to our closet to find some clothes that makes him move freely. When he get out he is wearing a pants and white t-shirt.

"Come on." He states sadly.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"Nothing." He answered softly and I sigh.

"Answer me, what's wrong?" I asked again.

"You don't love me." He stated and I look at him dumbfounded.

"Are you for real? Of course I love you so so much." I stated sincerely looking directly at his eyes.

"Then why don't you allow me to make love to you." He asked and I want to smack his head but I didn't do it.

"Because our kids our waiting for us downstairs and you're still tired." I answered.

"I'm not tired now." He stated and I sighed.

"Are you going to work?" I asked.

"Nope, why?" He asked.

"What about other appointments to your other banks?" I asked again.

"All done already." He answered.

"When the boys go to their school and after I made Cyrelle sleep, you can do anything you want." I stated and kiss him on his lips then I saw him smirk.

"Mom, Dad, are you okay!!?" We heard Nathan yelled.

"Let's go, they might be hungry now." He stated and pulled me out from our bedroom I just rolled my eyes.

We got downstairs and I saw my daughter and sons are having fun with each others while sitting infront of the table with foods.

"Guys what did I told you about playing infront of the table?" I asked sternly getting their attention.

"Don't play infront of the table when the foods are already set up." My sons answered in unison and I smile.

"Why were you playing then?" I asked.

"No mad mommy." I heard my little princess stated.

"I'm not mad baby, I'm just lecturing your brothers." I answered.

"No." She said and hugged her brothers and I sigh.

"Okay, I won't let's sit down now." I stated and I sat across Nathan and William sat at the end of the table.

After saying our grace, we started to dig in, I teach them to pray before eating and be thankful to every thing they are having.

"Mom, Dad, what take you so long?" Nathan asked.

"Blame your dad about that." I stated and glared at William.

"We're just talking son." William answered.

After we finish eating, the boys got up and was about to get outside when Cyrelle cry. They both went back to their sister.

"Stop crying, we will be back." Nathan stated trying to console his sister.

"Brother Nathan is right, we will buy you food." Niel said.

"Really?" Cyrelle asked.

"Of course." They both said.

I'm smiling at the view when I felt a strong arms wrapped around my waist.

"I'm sorry." William suddenly stated.

"For what?" I asked confused.

"For working these past two days, I didn't have a time for you and to our daughter and sons because of work." He explained.

"Don't worry we understand." I stated and I felt him smile.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I replied and he kiss me.

"Eww! Mom! Dad!" Nathan said

I look at them and I saw my two sons' hand on the face of their sister blocking our view and I laugh at that.

"Okay, now go to the car, Bryan is already waiting for you two." I stated and they nodded.

Before they went out they both said their goodbyes to their sister and kiss her cheeks and she giggles waving her hand to them then I lifted her up and I went to her nursery. When I got in I put her on the changing table to change her diapers then after that I made a baby formula and I let her nip it. I then rock her to sleep. When she fell asleep on my arms I take the baby bottle on her mouth and gently laid her down into her crib. When I'm assured that she's deep in her sleep I open the baby monitor and went out the room. Then I saw my husband leaning his back on the wall.

"Now, it's our time." He stated and pick me up bridal style.

He went into our room and gently laid me on our bedroom, he started to kiss my lips and his hands started to roam around my body. Let just say that we both happy in our life and we will never trade it to the world or even gold.