Darsh POV

When I woke up I received a text from Sean saying he wanted to meet me at Chris' café, so I did all my morning routine and went out.

I didn't bothered to wake Lincton up because of what happened at the middle of the night, so I just let him slept for a while. I got out from my house and drove my car to the café.

When I got there I saw Lyrinx, Chris' husband. I walked towards him and he just looked at me questioningly.

"Where is Sean and Chris?" I asked.

"At his office there at the back." He answered and I thanked him then made my way to his office.

When I got there, I opened the door without knocking. They both looked at me when I sat down on the couch there beside Sean.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Lincton parents were not there at the address you gave me." Sean stated.

"We asked their neighbors if they know them, and they said yes and they said the people we're finding were moved out 2 years ago." Chris added.

"But what about Lincton?" I asked.

"Other neighbors said that Lincton went suddenly gone at his 16th birthday." Sean answered.

"We also asked their neighbors there if they knew why he was gone that time but they said they didn't know anything." Sean added.

"Can you find their identity? I'm sure their new address is in there." I said.

"There identities were both private and I can't get an access to get in but I already called Kyle to be in here, he said he'll be in here in just a couple of minutes." Chris answered.

After a couple of minutes of waiting, Kyle finally arrived with our other friends and I knew that moment that I was doomed. They all looked at me with a smirk on their face.

"What are you all doing here?" I asked.

"Nothing, just want to." Paul answered with a shrugged.

"So? why did you call me here, anyway?" Kyle asked looking at Chris.

"Can you hack their identity? I can't get an access to this area." Chris answered.

"Yeah, I can, give it to me." He stated.

Chris gave him his laptop and Kyle started to type some codes and some other things that I don't know. Then after that he gave the laptop back to Chris.

"It's fine now." He said.

"Why do you need their identities?" Jaypee asked.

"Darsh needs it." Chris answered still typing on his laptop.

"Why?" William asked then looked at me.

"I just need to find out something." I answered.

"And what is that?" Kaiden asked.

"You all are a nosy people." I stated then brushed my hair using my hand.

"You were too, remember?" Chris stated without glancing at me.

"I just need to ask them about their son." I confessed.

"Why? do you know their son?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah." I answered shortly.

"Who is it?" Sean asked.

"The homeless person that I helped." I answered and they all smirked at me.

"What?" I asked mentally facepalmed myself.

"See? I told you, you're going to fall inlove with him." William stated and I glared at him.

"And I told you it won't going to happen." I stated proudly.

"You might, you don't know how destiny work, I didn't even knew that I will love someone again." Chris said.

"Yeah yeah, are you all going to help?" I asked them.

"For what?" They said.

"For fukcing finding his parents." I stated annoyed.

"Yeah, we can help." Jaypee answered and I was about to reply.

"Yes, I got it, I know where they live now!" Chris exclaimed.

"Then let's go." I stated.

We all got up and exited the office, I saw Dwayne, Haisley and Lyrinx laughing together then Kaiden, William and Chris went to their other half, I guess to tell them where we are going.

After about a minute they all back together and we all walked outside and went to our own cars. We followed Chris and about an hour we arrived at the location of their house, we all got out fron our car, then we walked towards their door.

I'm the one who knocked, after a couple of knocks the door opened and I saw a middle aged man.

"What can I help you?" He asked.

"Is this Zacario's residence?" I asked.

"Yes and who are you?" He asked slightly annoyed.

"Can I ask you where is your son, Lincton Zacario?" Sean asked.

"That faggot? he's not living here." He replied.

I clenched my fists on that, how dare he say something like that to his own son?

"Why were you looking for him? he's just a waste of space and he's just wasting your time." He stated.

I got fully mad at him so I punched him on his face, and he fell down on the floor.

"HOW CAN YOU CALL YOURSELF A FATHER!?" I asked then I grabbed his collar.

"LET ME TELL YOU THIS, I FEEL PITY FOR YOU!" I yelled at his face.

I stepped away from him and he stood up and was about to grabbed me when I kicked him to his ball, he groaned at pain and I just looked at him with fuming eyes.

"Who do you think you are, huh?" He asked between his groans.

"I'm the one who's going to kick your balls again if you do something again to Lincton." I stated and we all walked away from their house.

"Wow man, that's an action there." Chris stated and I glared at him.

"And there was he, saying that I won't fell inlove with him." Kaiden stated.

"I think he already fell for him." Jaypee 'whispered' at Sean but his voice was loud and he did it by purpose.

"Yeah he is." Sean stated.

Kyle and Paul was about to say something too but I glared at them and they are raised their hands.

"Let's go." I stated.

We all then walked to our cars and drove back to the café, when we arrived, we stepped in Chris office again and continued to talk about what happened, of course they teased me nonstop.