Darsh POV

When Lincton told me that the guard in this mall was the one who was pushed him on the floor my blood boiled, how dare he? he doesn't have a right to touch what's mine.

So, I called my friend, Thaurion to fired his guard and find a new one, he said he will take care of it by himself and I let him.

And my blood is boiling again at the sight of other eyes were staring at Lincton, he was wearing tight jeans and crop top hoodie and his belly was showing off. When I saw him wearing that I felt my member stood up but I immediately think of an old people having sex and it was effective because my boner went away.

I took off the jacket I was wearing and put it on his shoulder, he just looked at me with a blushed on his cheeks then I smirked.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"People are staring at you and I don't want it." I stated truly.

'They're not allowed to stare at him, I was the only one who allowed to do that.' I thought.

"Okay, thank you." He replied shyly.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked.

"Can we watch movie? then arcade then eat then play again?" He asked pumped up.

"Of course, anything you want." I stated then smiled at him.

He then hold my hand and it sent an electric shock to me, and it was a good feeling. He started to dragged us to somewhere, I know that he doesn't know where the cinema was but I just let him. After a while he stopped and looked at me with a pout.

"Where is the cinema? I can't find it." He stated then crossed his arms infront of his chest, he looked so cute.

"In second floor." I stated.

"Huh?" He asked.

"The cinema is on the second floor." I answered.

"Then why didn't you tell it sooner." He whined.

"You look cute." I responded and I saw him blushed again, I mentally smirked.

"I know, let's go." He said shyly.

I intertwined our hands and we then both walked towards the cinema, when we reached at the cinema, I asked him of what movie he would like to watch and he said that I can choose. I bought the ticket for us and we also bought cheese flavored popcorn and coke.

We then walked inside and sat down on our seat. At the middle of the movie, I heard Lincton sniffed, I looked at him and I saw him crying. He's so soft hearted. I just shook my head. After the movie we head out and he was still sniffing.

"Why are you still crying the movie was done." I stated and he glared at me.

"Why did you choose a sad story?" He asked then pouted.

"I just want to watch it." I said then shrugged.

"But you could have choose a happy or romantic movie." He said.

"Why? do you want to watch a romantic movie with me? we can watch again." I stated teasing him, and just like I thought he blushed.

"No, let's go, to the arcade." He then said and walked away from me.

I followed him and wrapped my arm around him, I felt him being surprised but I didn't let him go. We then walked towards the arcade then we begun to play when we arrived.

"Look!!" He stated and pointed at the Barney stuffed toy.

"Isn't cute?" He asked.

"Do you want it?" I asked.

"Of course, who doesn't like Barney?" He responded.

I then walked towards the counter and he followed me.

"What are yo----" I cut him off.

"How much is the Barney?" I asked.

"It's not for sale sir, you need to earn 5,000 tickets to win that stuffed toy." The lady answered, then I sighed.

"Let's just go and play." Lincton stated.

"But you want the Barney." I said.

"I know, but we need tickets to get it." He replied.

"And we can catch some toys at the claw machine." He then added cheerfully and I nodded.

He pulled me towards the claw machine and he inserted a token in the machine. He then tried to get the stuffed toy but he failed. He tried again and again but he failed again and again.

"Why can't I get it?" He asked to himself.

"Come on let's try the other game." I stated and pulled to towards the other game.

"I don't want to play anymore." He stated.

"Don't sulk, Lincton." I stated.

"Blame the claw machine." He replied then pouted.

"Okay, let's go somewhere." I stated and pulled him out of the arcade.

"Where are we going?" He asked but I didn't answered.

I just pulled him and I stopped at the toys store.

"What are we doing here?" He asked.

"You said you want Barney right? then we will find Barney here." I stated and I saw his eyes lightened up.

"Really!?" He yelled slightly and I nodded. "Come on." He added.

He pulled me in and we looked around, we saw a lot of toys in here, I didn't really like toys ever since I was a kid, but I was playing with it when I was 2 until I turned 5 years old.

He then stopped pulling my hand and he looked up and pointed at the stuffed toy he wanted to buy. He tried to get it but it was a bit high for him. I then reached it for him and gave it to him.

"T-thank you." He said blushing.

"Welcome, come on we need to pay for it." I replied then we walked towards the counter then I paid for it. He didn't stopped me because he doesn't have a money with him.

"Where do you want to eat?" I asked when we got out from the toys store.

"We can eat to Jollibee, I really missed the spaghetti there." He answered happily.

"Okay, let's go." I responded.

We traipsed towards the fast food chain and I found a seat inside, there was still a vacant seat outside but I don't like the thought that they will look at him.

I motioned him to sit first and I went to the counter to order, after I ordered I went back to Lincton and I saw him smiling at Barney, he looks cute, I bet he was being like this because his childhood didn't went great. I sat down across to him.

"Thank you for today, I really did have fun." He said.

"You're welcome, I do have a fun day too." I responded then smiled at him.