Getting Along

Moon Chin Hae decided to take care of his office work from the hospital. Hence he went to get his laptop and documents from home. He would be bringing lunch for both of them after discussing a few things with BB.

Kang Chin Mae glanced at his phone. It had been three days since the incident of Young Jae getting hospitalised. Young Jae needs more time to understand anything that's happening around him. Especially not rubbing the eyes as an instinct. After uncountable attempts of unconsciously trying to rub the eyes, doctors decided to give his eyes some rest by wrapping them with a cotton bandage.

Young Jae was making all effort to adapt to the change.

The doctor came to brief them as they were waiting for Chin Hae to come back with lunch. "Doctor is here, Young Jae." Mr Kang said.

After sharing pleasantries and asking the necessary questions about Young Jae's sleep and appetite, the doctor glanced at the medical report.

"He is experiencing detached retina, and it causes blurred vision and black dots or shadows formation in the vision. It could be caused either because of the injury on the face or head. We need to run a few more test to determine his state. He is fortunate to get it diagnosed early. If later means he could lose his eyesight. After the test, we will know his condition and readiness for the surgery, and I can tell you more." The doctor explained in the most respectful tone.

Sensing the panic raising in Young Jae, Kang Chin Mae put his hand on his shoulder. "Relax, Young Jae. We will enquire further."

Chin Mae turned to the doctor to enquire about the success rate. "After the initial surgery, there is a chance of 85% recovery with sight. After a few months, if he does another, we could recover 95% of his eyesight. It will take some months to years for his retina to be in the appropriate place and function to its fullest. But he has to be more cautious hereafter. Don't worry, Mr Kang. Your cousin doesn't have any severe internal injury on his eyes which already is a miracle. He would be fine soon. We will get the experts to treat him." The doctor decided to assure Mr Kang so that he won't call the chairman and flips the entire hospital upside down.

Both Mr Kang and Mr Moon knows the chairman personally, but the irrational one would be Mr Kang. So, they had to appease him before he does something drastic as Mr Moon was nowhere in the vicinity to do the damage control.

Irrespective of these two identical twins, one could tell them apart based on their behaviour and attitude if one knows them for a more extended period.

Chief of the ophthalmology have met the twins in few gatherings of his chairman, and so he could handle the situation comparatively better.

"Get me the list of experts in ophthalmology… no, actually get me the list of experts in treating detached retina. No matter where the experts are, how expensive they would charge, I will fly them down for his treatment." The air of arrogance in Kang Chin Mae's voice could not go undetected, and there was no way anyone could refute him.

Moon Chin Hae sighed at the door as he entered the room. "Doctor sent the report to BB's wife once the reports are ready because of my request. Our sister-in-law said she would get the list in a couple of hours. BB and Baby doll would be working together to get the doctors down. They want you to go home, Chin Mae. Your wife is pregnant, and her due is in a couple of weeks. Let me handle it here. BB said he would help me in taking care of Young Jae. So, don't worry."

Listening to his words, Kang was puzzled. He was delighted to go back home and take care of his wife. But why couldn't they get the help of the crazy doctor? The list of ophthalmology experts was plan B only.

He spoke with BB last night about getting Crazy doctor to help Young Jae. He wanted it to be plan A. So did plan A fail. He couldn't help but worry for the pitiful young man who was trying his best to understand everything.

"Mr Kang, you should go home to your wife. I would be fine on my own. If I need anything, I have Chin Hae Hyung with me." Young Jae said with a small smile.

But Kang Chin Mae couldn't help but frown at the choice of addressing. Every time Young Jae address him as Mr Kang and that damned twin of his Hyung, he disliked it.

Moon Young Jae found himself an amusing hobby temporarily. That was subtly annoying his cousin, Kang Chin Mae. It was not his fault, but his cousin was not fond of being called Mr Kang by him and gets irritated when he calls Chin Hae Hyung as Hyung.

The most amusing part was Kang Chin Mae disliking his twin addressing him Hyung. Being trapped in the bed without moving around was hard, but his twin cousins and their antics were amusing.

Chin Hae started to unpack their meals and decided to feed his cousin.

Young Jae had never tried tasty and healthy meals in his life as much as this one. He was allowed to eat only light food, and for every meal, there were two different soups for him along with porridge. He was almost falling in love with the food. He used to luxury in Moon Mansion, and when he was kicked out, he had to be frugal to save money from his little allowance for college fee. He did find a part-time job before joining Hoon Joo's company. Even when he had money, worrying about the future, he never spent more on himself.

Today's lunch was samgyetang (ginseng chicken soup) and bukeoguk (dried pollock soup) with egg and sigeumchi namul (seasoned spinach). Young Jae felt happy knowing his meal. Chin Hae fed him while eating.

Chin Hae had white rice and fried beef added to his meal. Young Jae wanted to eat that too but restrained from asking because of his diet and shyness.

After having the meal, he knew the exhausting day of more medical examination awaits him. But tasty meal warmed his heart and made him yearn for his mother. In the last four years, he met her only during family events. Even there, he was not able to talk to her contently. He decided to ask Chin Hae to help him in talking to his mother.

"BB's cooking is the best." Kang Chin Mae said with glee. Young Jae had observed the difference in tone and the way the twin's conversed.

Chin Mae was firm, determined with a hint of arrogance. In contrast, Chin Hae was polite and calm.

Young Jae couldn't help but notice his arrogant cousin, Kang Chin Mae's voice going tender with affection while talking about his wife, and the other two nameless people mentioned by the nickname alone – BB and baby doll.

"Actually, Min Min made everything today." Chin Hae said it with pride.

Kang Chin Mae chuckled. "Looks like devil's little spawn was getting back from heart-break, huh?" He told no one in particular, but Chin Hae still agreed with his twin's statement.

Another new name… 'Was Min Min nickname or a real name?' Young Jae wondered but didn't dare to ask. He didn't want to barge in and intrude on his cousins' life.

If they ever told him, he would be more than happy to listen. Maybe being with his cousins were not that bad at all. They really distract him from all his existential questions, fears and uncertainty of the future.