Falling in love with… FOOD

Moon Young Jae couldn't help but moan… everything was driving him crazy. The doctor asked him not to eat anything before the surgery. He had to stop eating any solid food before seven hours of the surgery. Young Jae's heart dropped when he heard he can't eat lunch as the surgery would be happening at 6:30 pm. He nearly teared up when he heard he can't taste the fantastic food the unknown 'Min Min' makes. As Kang Chin Mae couldn't come often, he asked 'Min Min' to cook food for Young Jae and his two caretakers. This unfamiliar 'Min Min' made the tastiest meals for Young Jae for the last few days.

Usually, Chin Hae goes to pick the food, or his driver drops the food for them. And Young Jae couldn't help but eat more as the aroma made him drool, and the taste made him lose control. Now he can't eat the food for a meal. How could he ever accept it? The withdrawal symptoms were hard. He started to contemplate if the surgery was necessary. He knew he needs to get his eyesight back, but he was reluctant to miss the fantastic meal even for once. Young Jae wouldn't have cribbed but rather enjoyed if he knew that after a week, he would not be tasting Min Min's cooking for the next few years.

The breakfast was a simple gilgeori toast (Korean egg sandwich) and freshly squeezed muskmelon with honey. Young Jae enjoyed it but couldn't help but feel a void as there were not many tasty dishes as usual. The so-called 'Min Min' showed off his culinary skills so far, and now there was a simple breakfast which disappointed him. Baby doll laughed at his pout after the breakfast but didn't say a word. He started to sulk more as she didn't even try to comfort him. She had always been for him and comforted him in the last few days whenever he was upset even though she was detached. The contemplation of if he should live or take his life away never left him the entire time. He even spoke about it with her once and her hug gave him warmth and hope. But now she ignored him entirely. Young Jae sulked even more.

Around 11 am there was a knock in the room followed by baby doll asking the person to come in. The driver walked in with a basket and gave it to her and left. Young Jae was confused as he couldn't figure out what was happening around him. But without a word, she helped him to move to a small table in the room. Chin Hae joined them soon.

Young Jae was lost and confused. The thick bandages covering his eyes was not helping. Young Jae was about to whine about how his cousin and baby doll were being mean to him... the divine smell of delicacies attacked his nose. Young Jae mind went blank as he imagined all kind of excellent food that could be on the table. Remembering the doctor's word, he couldn't help but complain to the two people who came too close to his heart in these days. "I am not allowed to eat before the surgery." His words came out as a childish whine rather than a complaint.

Chin Hae couldn't help but want to tease his cousin, who was diverting his mind from all the stress about surgery using food as a distraction for the last two days. "Who said it is for you? It is for me and baby doll only."

Young Jae left an involuntary complaining noise, stomped his feet while being seated and crossed his arms over in defiance. But right after that, he heard a loud smack and Chin Hae yelping. "Enough of teasing him. You are making him pout from the morning. Now stop it." Baby doll scolded and Chin Hae became very quiet as if he didn't do any mischief.

Young Jae was lost though. Witnessing confusion written on his face, baby doll ruffled his hair. "You had a light breakfast because I asked Min Min to cook a sumptuous meal for brunch. After this, you can take liquids till two hours before the surgery. Any way your stomach will be cleaned before it. So, you don't have to worry about it and eat till heart content." Her words soothed him.

Sometimes he couldn't help but wish she was his sister. But the reality was cruel. Yet it didn't stop him from wishing that his sister was 10% nice as she was. Even though the thoughts ran wild with wishes, he nodded his head in understanding. But few years down the line, he didn't know that baby doll would become his sister.

Tender beef filled Bulgogi, mouth-watering jjigae (Korean stew) with lots of meat and the crispy fried chicken made Young Jae swoon. Along with that, there were bibim naengmyeon (spicy cold noodle), white rice and samgyetang (ginseng chicken soup) was placed in front of him. But the perfectly made kimchi was the icing on the top. The smile on his face just widened, and he was grinning like an idiot as baby doll was naming all the dishes that Chin Hae was opening and keeping on the table. It was Chin Hae's duty to feed Young Jae, and he was eagerly waiting for his cousin to feed all the heavenly delicacies to him.

The minute he bit into food, he couldn't help but moan loudly. It was a sensual moan. When he was done savouring his first bite, he felt stares focused on him. Then Young Jae remembered what he did only to blush red. "Don't look at me like that. I am falling in love with… food." He tried to defend himself with whatever the first thing that came to his mind. His eyes cast down, red blush adorning his cheeks, neck and ears as he was fidgeting with fingers, baby doll laughed with delight.

"Food gives comfort. Food is love, but it can't love you back. So why don't you think about falling in love with the cook? That way you will get love and amazing food… isn't it better?" a teasing word of baby doll rendered him speechless with the baseless suggestion as he would never open his heart to anyone ever again. He comforted himself, stating repeatedly it was just baseless teasing word between friends. But he couldn't help but mutter "Food never hurts you…" even though it was heard by the two souls seated with him, they chose not to comment on it as they knew it was true.