Calming the Worried Heart

Even though he attempted to calm himself, Young Jae was still anxious.

"Chin Mae Hyung got a call from someone named Martin. He said Moon family's heir was trying to approach her. I am worried about her. They did not tell me if she is safe? You have no idea what kind of person he is and what are the things he does to girls who captures his attention." Young Jae ranted on in his worry.

"Young Jae, calm down. Please take a couple more deep breaths for me. Relax for me, tokki. Worrying gets you nowhere. Relax for your Panda. Be a good boy, okay. Breath!" Min Jun spoke softly till he heard Young Jae started to take a breath. He smiled, hearing the audible breath from the other end, and was pleased when the other followed his instructions.

Ko Yon noticed how the other boy spoke softly to her son. He was not only patient; he was concerned for her son. Above all, she notices a subtle cue of pink on her son's cheek every time he was called a rabbit. She realised that this other boy named Min Jun would be good for her son.

She never like Jo Rim, who lingered near her son back in his teenage days. Above all, he was Choi Na Ri's driver's son. And that ungrateful brat outted her son in an ugly way for money. 

She knew about Ki Hoon Joo but never got a chance to meet him. She thought her son was happy with him and did not bother to know much about him. For her, as long as her son was happy and somewhere far away from the Moon family, he would be fine. Unfortunately, he ended up hurting her beloved son and led to huge misery.

But this boy was different. He made an effort to make sure her son was okay even though they were far away and just interacting through the phone. The care felt genuine to her.

"Good boy! Thank you for doing what I said tokki. Now listen to me carefully. Baby-doll is safe if Martin has called. Because Martin would not be able to make calls if anything happened to her." Min Jun explained patiently.

Ko Yon was confident that this boy, Min Jun, would be good to her son. Her mother's instinct had a positive feeling toward his influence on her son. If they both share affection, she was willing to meet him and accept him.

After Young Jae moved out of the house, she was not aware of his friends. But she believed that her son knew this patient boy majorly through her nephew. She made a mental note to ask her nephew about this Min Jun. They all seem to know a girl and call her baby-doll. Based on how her son was worried about her, she decided to enquire about her too. 

Young Jae was still not convinced and wanted to know more. "What do you mean?"

"What I meant is dea… I meant Martin is a capable bodyguard. He might have called Chin Mae once she was safe. That's his job's protocol even though he was supposed to call his boss." Min Jun almost told the truth of BB's nature to his tokki. Thankfully he cut himself off at the right moment.

He was surprised at his lack of resistance and filter with Young Jae. A helpless smiled appeared on his face when he realised it.

"Okay." Young Jae finally agreed not because of the words but because of how sure Min Jun sounded.

"Stop worrying about her. Baby-doll have three elder brothers and two teams of bodyguard around to protect her. The one who will end up in trouble will be the Moon family's heir and not my little brat." Min Jun was confident.

The twins were done with the call and heard the last part of the conversation. They exchanged a glance at how their cousin Young Jae reported everything to Min Jun.

Kang Chin Mae was a little confused, but he overlooked it as he was aware of Min Jun's character, but Chin Hae was quite happy with the development.

"Okay." Young Jae finally decided to let go of the issue.

"Forget other things. Tell me about you. How are you? How was the meeting with your grandfather?" everyone could hear Min Jun's dislike when he said, grandfather.

"Well… that… it was not good." Young Jae sighed as he remembered what his grandfather spoke and followed by the event that leads to his grandfather's state.

"Is everything okay, Hyung? You can tell me anything you want?" Min Jun wanted to be there to comfort Young Jae when he heard the sigh. All he wanted to do was to lessen the burden the fragile man had on his shoulders.

Ko Yon smiled at the interaction and could not feel but develop a thought. "A boy who knows when to pamper, when to respect and how to handle stress. I approve of this kid. You better fall for someone of worth this time, Young Jae. Or mom will to spank you!"