A Date!

Young Jae followed the eye line of Kim Shin and noticed a particular rat was walking towards them.

Hak Jwi Woo. Originally his name was supposed to be Hak Ji Woo. Ji meant ambition, and Woo meant the universe. So his parents wanted to name him Ambitious to conquer the world. But his father was drunk when his mother went into labour and gave the wrong name to the hospital. 

Ji Woo was a unisex name, but later many parents started naming their girl child Ji Woo. If anyone thought the drunk mistake saved Jwi Woo from embarrassment and teasing during his teenage years, they were wrong.

After all, the drunk mistake made his name a mockery from day one of his school because Jwi means rat, which turned the meaning of the name to be the universal rat.

Young Jae used to feel bad for Jwi Woo in their first year of being classmates. However, as soon as he realised the name suited that creepy rat, he did not have any ounce of pity for him.