Puppies Chasing Wolf!

Chin Hwa wanted to be associated with South Korea's most influential family, The wang's and ride on their tailcoat. It would benefit him in the business and success. "Don't worry, mom. Wang family would be idiots if they did not consider our Sa Na. Your dream to marry her into the most powerful family of South Korea will happen soon." 

Moon Jong Suk smiled as he looked at his son and wife planning their future. Choi Na Ri realised she had to leave for home to get prepped. It would take around less than half an hour to reach the mansion from Chin Hwa's office. She hugged her son before leaving and let her husband help her son handle the company's issues.

Choi Na Ri's phone rang as she was about to leave the room. Her demeanour changed seriously as she accepted the call. "Hello! Yeah… That's good. Scare him off. If he tries to outsmart you or create trouble, kill him off and make it look like an accident." Choi Na Ri barked out her order.