Heartless Hellhound II

"Your mother has not seen him for three years, and she wants to meet him today evening. Moreover, everyone is busy handling their work, and no one could have a legal affair on their plate if he drops him off from there. Let's make sure he does not drop him today. We can handle that idiot later when he least expects. Call your brother now." Kang Chin Mae lied through his teeth. He did not care at this point about what he was saying and all he cared about was to hide Min Jun's identity.

Apart from Min Jun not meeting his mother for three years, everything else was a lie. Kang Chin Mae did not want Moon Chin Hwa to find out who was powerful among them and their capability. 

'If we reveal ourselves early, it will put us at a disadvantage. Please cooperate!' Kang Chin Mae focused on a bigger picture.