Real Min Jun

They all decided to wait for Min Jun in the lobby of the fifth floor as crowding in the parking lot drew unnecessary attention. They all could wait peacefully in the lobby without the bouncers asking them to leave. The credit actually goes to Man U-Jin for having a word with them.

Darling Cha observed her assistant Shim Chung and Young Jae. She realised Shim Chung was purposefully ignoring looking at anyone from the Moon family while Young Jae was growing anxious and even asking for Min Jun as if only Min Jun could ground him. The more Young Jae fussed about Min Jun, the more stiff and awkward Shin Chung became. But she refused to say a word. 

When Young Jae realised he would not get the answer anytime soon, the young man decided to wait for a while before calling Baby doll. 

Darling Cha wanted answers, and she knew she would get them as long as she asked the right people. She looked around her.