Displeased With Min Jun’s Tokki

Shim Chung looked at Yama strangely for a minute before she got back to work. She had never seen a boss doing a dirty job irrespective of having lots of bodyguards around him and worrying about the employees' safety. Now she finally understood why working for Min Jun in Australia felt safe and comfortable. 

Even with Moon Chin Hwa trying to track her down, she felt safe knowing her boss would keep her safe because he knew what happened to her and promised to protect her. For the last couple of years, he kept the promise well. Even when he was doing military service, he assigned people to ensure she was safe. 

When Min Jun asked her to return to South Korea with Darling Cha, the person she was assisting under the order of Min Jun, she did not even hesitate a minute. She packed her bag and left.