Little Demon In His Mind

Mehmet was not in the mood to study for his exams. His brother might be a huge douchebag who acted like he never had half-siblings. But he could not stoop low to that level. Mehmet tried everything in his power not to be like Min Jun, his stone-hearted half-brother. 

Mehmet consciously worked hard and became good at the things his brother failed miserably - like science and technology. He worked even harder and was brutal to himself to beat his half-brother at a few other possible skills that Min Jun was good at, like sports. But when he felt he could not beat his half-brother in a field, he stopped indulging himself in it like designing guns, finance and investment. 

At the same time, he constantly maintained a polite approach to his half-brother even though they rarely interacted. 

All to prove to himself and others that he was better than Min Jun.