
Just as what they've talked about yesterday, Sean and Hayan went to school early to catch whoever is leaving letters in Hayan's locker. They were a few feet away from where the lockers are but it was enough to figure out and catch a person. Their classes usually start at 8 AM and it's only 6 AM so they can't help but yawn every single time.

"D-do you really think this will work?" Hayan asked sleepily, slightly forcing his eyes to open.

"I told you, we will catch that person!" Sean said enthusiastically that every protest he wants to say disappeared.

Is it really necessary to go this far? He thought and sighed. Sean glanced at him.

"Aren't you curious to know who he is? Because I am!"

"I don't know..." He answered softly. "I just..."

Sean interrupts him. "Someone's coming!"

They patiently and anxiously waited for the person behind the door only to be disappointed when one of the teachers showed up. They immediately hide because they'll get scolded if they'll get caught hiding suspiciously like that.

Hayan let out a yawn again and leaned on the cold wall.

"You want to sleep for a while?" Sean suggested not leaving his eyes on the door. "You should sit down and sleep! I'll wake you up if I found something... or someone!" Hayan shook his head and peeked his head through the wall to look at the door.

"It's fine. I'll just sleep when I get home."

"Someone's coming again!" Sean whispered excitedly but Hayan remained the same. He doesn't want to get his hopes up. It might be a teacher again.

But Hayan's eyes widen when he saw who just came in.

It's Hajin.

He looks fresh and handsome wearing his red hoodie. He checked the time on his phone. It's only 7:03 in the morning. He's way too early for an 8 AM class.

Could it be...

"Hayan! Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Sean whispered but Hayan doesn't seem to hear him as he was too mesmerized staring at the newcomer.

They both held their breath when Hajin started walking towards the lockers. Their lockers are not too far from each other.

But the anticipation got changed into disappointment when Hajin stopped in his own locker and grabbed something before walking away.

"Oh. It's not him."

"Of course," Hayan answered and sat on the floor. "It's impossible."

"Hey! You're too negative! Let's wait some more! It's still early anyway."

Hayan just shook his head, already giving up. Minutes passed by until Sean falls asleep on his shoulder leaving him awake. He didn't even bother checking anymore. Why bother?

He woke up Sean ten minutes before their class starts. He stares at him groggily seemingly forgetting where they are and what they did.

"Wake up. It's almost time for class."

"Huh?" He looked around until he finally figured out everything. "Hey. Did you find out who it was?" He stands up and follows Hayan who's already walking past him.

Hayan shook his head making Sean frown.


"Because you're sleeping on my shoulder."

They'll both enter the classroom and sits down. Sean won't still let go of the topic.

"So you're saying it's my fault?"

"I'm only saying that we wasted our time... for nothing."

"No! Let's do it again tomorrow!"

Hayan only shook his head, feeling really drained and sleepy. He falls his head on the table and minutes later, he drifts to sleep.


He could feel it. That feeling of someone staring at you. He's sure of it because he could feel the intensity of that person's gaze. But who could it be? Sean? But Sean would wake him up instead of staring at him like that. Ah, he's too shy to look up and see who it is. He's silently praying that whoever's staring at him would stop and leave him alone.

*Could it be really Sean? But it's impossible. He won't stare at me like that, he will wake me up loudly.

But what if I'm just imagining things? Maybe no one's really staring at me? Or is it a ghost? But... ghosts aren't real*.

Having felt this consciousness, he mustered his courage and slowly looked up only to see no one. Literally, no one as he's the only person left in the classroom. He checked the time. It's PE time and he's too late even if he wants to catch up. He'll just get scolded by the teacher.

He sighed and leaned on his chair. "Why didn't he wake me up?"


Their class has ended and it's now time for them to go home.

"Hayan! Shall we eat noodles? I'm craving noodles tonight!" Hayan only nodded as he was busy tidying up his things.

"Hey, Sean! Where do you think you're going?" Suddenly, their female classmate approached them, glaring at Sean. Hayan looked up and stared at them.


"Aren't we partners for the report? When do you plan on doing it?"

"The submission's next week!"

Sean's answer seemed to annoy their classmate even more. Her face went red and he could see her eyes twitching in annoyance. "So? You're planning on doing it next week?!"

Sean sighs in defeat and scratches his head. "Sorry, Hayan. Let's eat noodles next time!"

"It's okay, but... what report? What are you talking about?"

"Oh, right. You were sleeping earlier so you didn't know. The teacher grouped us into two." He suddenly leaned on Hayan and whispered. "And guess who your partner is?"


"Sean! Let's go! It's getting late!"

"Go ahead! I'll follow you!" Sean answered, completely annoyed.

"No! We're going together!"

Sean sighed.

"Just go," Hayan said.

Sean frowns and turns around. "Let's go."

Hayan continues to fix and tidy his things still wondering who his partner is. He feels a little embarrassed knowing he slept the entire class.

I really won't doze off again next time.


He then heard a voice calling his name. A voice familiar to him gave him an almost heart attack.

He slowly looked up and saw Hajin so close beside him. He could feel his cheeks burning up and his heart beating so wildly. Hajin gave him a smile, which made his condition worse.

"Do you have time today?"


W-what is this?

Hajin nodded. "We're partners for the report. I was thinking if we could go to the library to research. The library's open till 8."

Hayan can't seem to hear what he was saying and just kept on staring at him. It's not too long till he realized what he's doing. He looks down, extremely embarrassed. "I-it's fine." He answered quietly.

"Really?" He nods. "Then let's go?"

He slowly stands up and follows Hajin.

'I can't believe it! We're partners! Maybe... Maybe I could grab this opportunity for us to be close?' He stared at Hajin's back.

'But I think that's too impossible. I... I don't think we could be friends... And besides... I don't want us to be friends...' He looked down and stared at the tiled floor while walking.

'I want us to be more than friends... Holding hands... Maybe... K-kissing?'

His imagination made him gasp loudly, enough for Hajin to hear. He stopped and slowly turned around, looking confused at what happened. He just stared at him wide-eyed, his face burning up.

"Are you okay?" Hajin asked, looking really concerned. He noticed that they were already at the library entrance so he nodded at him and run to the entrance quickly.

You're so stupid, Hayan! What were you thinking? You're so embarrassing!