
"Before I end the class, let's talk about the field trip this week." The students cheer at what the professor announced. He had to calm them for a good minute before he continued.

"As we know, we will visit different places and we will also have different activities so, I'll group you into three. At the end of the trip, I want you to write your experiences and what you have learn and submit it to me, okay?" The professor then started to call names.

"For the last group, Shin Hayan, Sean Kim, and Kim Hajin. Well, that's all for today, see you tomorrow."

Hayan excitedly glanced at Sean only to be disappointed when he saw looking away. It's been three days and he's still avoiding him like a plague.

Until when do you plan on ignoring me?

"Hayan, we're in a group again." Hajin approached him. He gave him a smile and nodded. He then saw Sean leaving through the corner of his eyes. He just followed him with a gaze. "He's still mad at you?"

He sighed and said yes. "I really don't know what's wrong. I-it's been three days..."

"We're in a group, you could use that as an opportunity to talk to him."

"Really?" A ray of hope flashed through his eyes. Hajin smiled and nodded.

"I'll give you two a time to talk. Don't worry about the trip, and just make it up to him."

He's really an angel...

"T-thank you..." He shyly said and lowered his head.

"But you have to pay me for it."


"I'll tell you at the school festival." They then heard Hajin's name being called by his friends. "I'll go now. See you tomorrow." He could only nod and watch him as he walked away. He was left alone in his thoughts.

School festival? Ah, the school festival's next week. I wonder what payment will he ask. He started tidying up his things. I hope it's not money.

I gotta think of a plan first to talk to Sean. He got up from his seat and started walking. How should I approach him? What should I ask? He sighed. This is harder than I thought. Sean, why are you doing this, really?


The day of the field trip


Hajin cheerfully greeted him when he reached the school. He can't help but to admire him. He looks so simple with his jeans and t-shirt, his hair combed in a nice way. He just look so clean and fresh.

I should calm down.

He greeted him back shyly and looked around. He then saw Sean together with his other classmates. He has his signature knee length pants and sweat shirt, his bangs almost reaching his eyes. He wanted to approach him and talk to him but he knows he will walk away.

I'll just wait for an opportunity to talk to him.

"Hayan..." A sudden whisper on his ear almost made him jump. He turned around and it was Red who's grinning at him.

"Red!" He called. He laughed at his reaction and pinched his cheeks.

"Sorry, did I startle you?"

"O-of course..." He could still feel the goosebumps on his body. That whisper almost gave him a heart attack.

"Sorry..." He proceeded to hug him, adding to his surprise. Red smells of sandalwood and it's kind of addicting.

W-wait, Hajin's looking at us!

"W-what are you doing?" He said trying to push him away.

"I'm apologizing."

"You don't really need to do this."

Red let him go, much to his relief. He secretly glanced at Hajin who's behind Red. He can't read his expression.

Is he mad? I ignored him for Red again.

"It's really bad I'm on the other section, we could be group mates, you know."

I'm just glad we're on different section. He thought but he can't say it out loud, it might be too rude to do that.

"You brought your guitar?" He asked when he saw a big thing he' s carrying on his back.

"It's Ash's guitar. We're planning to play later."

"Hey you, go back to your classmates!" Their adviser suddenly appeared, referring to Red.

"Well, I guess I'll see you later." He touched his cheeks once more before walking away. He sighed in relief when he' s gone.

He's really energetic.

He then turned to Hajin and saw him watching Red walk away.

Is he mad? He really can't read the expression on his face.

"H-hajin..." I really don't want another friend getting mad at me.

Hajin turned to him and smiled. He could feel a flush of relief through his body.

He's not mad. That's good.

The teacher then announced that they should board the bus.

"Sit with your group mates!"

Sean walked first, totally ignoring the two of them. He then saw him standing beside an empty seat.


"He likes to sit beside the window." Sean quickly said interrupting him and sat on the first seat. He hesitantly sat beside the window and Hajin, who was left with no choice sat on the middle.

The trip was awkward for the three of them. Sean sleep the entire ride and Hayan glued his eyes to the window, watching other cars on the road.

Hayan felt a heavy thing on his shoulder. When he glanced to look what it was, it's Hajin's head lying peacefully on his shoulder. It seems like he fell asleep too. Awkwardly, he fixed his composure so that Hajin would feel comfortable sleeping. He proceeded to stare at his sleeping face.

He really looks like an angel sleeping.

He almost touched his face again. Good thing he was able to stop himself or else it would be uncomfortable and embarrassing again.

Minutes later, he fall asleep too with his head resting on Hajin's head.


"I'll go check with my friends." Hajin stated when they reached the room. Hayan didn't know that they have to share the room with your group mates. He honestly thought they will be the one to decide that.

As if I have someone to ask. With Sean getting mad at me I'll probably sleep alone. I guess, this is better.

Hajin then left leaving the two of them.

Should I talk now? What should I say?

He's pondering on what to say while looking at Sean sitting on the bed calmly fixing his things. He just stood in front awkwardly, not knowing how to open the topic.

I hate how we've gotten awkward. I don't like this feeling.


"I'll go outside for a while." He interrupted him again and stood up.

"Then let me go with you."

"Hayan please... Leave me alone for a while." Sean whispered before leaving the room. Hayan could feel the tears forming on the corner of his eyes.

Why do I feel like he doesn't want me to be his friend anymore? What have I done for this to turn out this way?

He laid on the bed, face down feeling dejected and hurt. Sean has never acted this way before. They might fight but it gets resolve so easily because Sean hates getting mad at someone for too long. He will always be the first one to reconcile.

He must be really that mad at me.

He took a sigh while trying to stop the tears from falling. He is one of the most important person in his life right now. Honestly, he doesn't know what will he do if Sean decided to really cut him off his life.


Sean was walking on the hotel's corridor when he comes across Red who just got out of his room. He was about to turn around but it's too late.

"Sean, what's up?"

"What do you want?" He rudely asked. "And stop calling me by my name. We're not close."

Red laughed making him irritated. "I'm just greeting you, you don't have to be so mad."

"I don't have any time for your greetings." He answered and walked past him.

"Coward." He heard Red say but he ignored him and continued walking away, his fist balled tightly.

Coward? Yeah, maybe I am really a coward.

He reached the hotel lobby and found Hajin and their classmates talking. Hajin immediately saw him and approached him.

"Have you talked to Hayan?"

"Why would I do that?" He could see the surprise in his eyes when he heard the tone on his voice.

"I really don't know what happened and honestly I'm not in the position to say anything but... Hayan's my friend and he looks so down right now. I hope you could talk to him. He really look confused, you should at least let him know what's going on in your mind."

It's not like I want to do this.

"Thanks. But I'll talk to him when I wanted to." He left him before he could even say anything.

You're right, I'm a coward.