Chapter 018 ( Don’t Want to Sleep in The Same Bed With You )

" No matter if that problem is serious or very big, promise not to hurt them and let them stay safe. "

Flashbacks of the death of the Cattarina family came to Monna's mind. She closed her eyes briefly.

And even though Belhart did not understand and was quite confused by the requirements, because Cattarina only mentioned that he had to protect her family and herself was not mentioned in it, Belhart still intends to do so with a strange feeling.

" I promise, " said the Crown Prince.

Cattarina mentioned again the requirements.

" Second, promise me. You will divorce me, just when you have found someone you love, " Cattarina mentioned again the second condition.

Belhart furrowed her brows.

" No matter who your heart rests to, if one day you think of marrying that woman, promise to let me go then and be well. I promise I won't demand anything and won't break anyone's relationship if you do. Believe me, "

Monna reminisces again about the appearance of the sweet Alliesia can melts the crown prince's heart of steel. And how has Cattarina's daily life since Alliesia's arrival at her wedding. Which made things even gloomy.

Meanwhile, Belhart, frowned loudly at Cattarina's words.

What does that mean? Why did Cattarina seem to be able to predict all the things she mentioned, as if they would happen?

Divorce him, when he has found a woman he loves? The woman who knows who will be there and ruin their marriage?

Belhart tried to think hard. While Belhart was still thinking about all the complications, Cattarina came back to surprise him with words.

" Lastly. I don't want to sleep in the same bed with you. "

This remark then distracted all of Belhart's attention from her second requirement.

Belhart looked at Cattarina very seriously.

" What do you mean? " he asked, confused.

" One year. Give me at least up to a year after we are married for we are not in the same bed. Please don't ask me the reason. I just don't wanna ... I mean, not ready. That's all, " said Cattarina nervously.

There are good reasons why Monna should put forward this condition. And the reason is, she doesn't want to have any children from Belhart!

Based on her future memories as well as the storyline in the novel, Cattarina trickery ends up conceiving a child from Belhart.

Even though Belhart never put his heart and body for Cattarina. And even though Belhart never once touched Cattarina even after they were married. Cattarina has her own way of getting her husband to fuck her.

By conspiring with a maid and having her mix a potion in Belhart's drink. And ended with the dismissal of the servant. Cattarina managed to have her first night with Belhart a few months after she married.

Even though he was quite angry and felt fooled, even Belhart could not do anything to demand Cattarina's explanation because she was indeed his wife. So it was only natural that Cattarina slept with him.

But that didn't make Cattarina happy after that. Because her uterus was weak and she couldn't take care of her baby's branches properly, Cattarina finally couldn't keep the fetus.

As a result, it made him very depressed and after that Alliesia then appeared and made her even more crazy. And the Crown Prince has tightened his control over everything he eats and drinks, as well as the environment around his main bedroom.

What a nightmare because at that time the Crown Prince didn't even have any sympathy for him. She struggled on her own to accept the hurt that her high hopes had lost.

As well as the fact that the child in her womb was not expected by her husband. That then makes him helpless and frustrated.

Therefore, Monna decided not to make that risk happen again. At least for one year. Because Monna is sure that no less than 10 months, the Crown Prince will divorce her as soon as he is close to Alliesia, his idol.

Even though she also believed that the Crown Prince would not have any feelings for her and she would not have the intention of sleeping with him like her memories in the future, Monna still didn't want to take any chances.

At least he needed to set some boundaries.

So that one year is sufficient time for her to allow the Crown Prince to make the right decision. Divorce her straight away and marry the woman he really loves. Without harming herself in various ways.

Exactly according to the novel and its expectations.

Crown Prince Belhart responded to Cattarina's request in confusion.

" I don't know why you have to make so many confusing requests. But since this is what you want, all right. I will last for one year. After that, don't make me wait too long anymore, " said Belhart, who despite objecting to Cattarina's submission, he still couldn't do much.

Currently, Cattarina still persisted in him. Therefore, as long as this marriage remained, Belhart only needed to slowly change her thinking about him.

Yes. He still has a long way to go. He thought for a moment.

As for Cattarina, as soon as she heard the Crown Prince's approval, she immediately became complacent. Without thinking further about what the Crown Prince had said about him not wanting to wait too long, Monna caught it as something good.

We'll see if you can still say that later, they both thought together.

All this will be their respective duties and their destinies.

The two of them returned to the banquet. And Cattarina again revealed her decision to the Emperor.

All of you are listening.

" I will still marry with His Majesty Crown Prince Dominic, Your Majesty. Hopefully this will be a happy thing for both parties, " replied Monna directly. Continuing the answer that was delayed.

Everyone was shocked a second time. But since this decision was what they wanted from the start and everyone had also seen that the decision had been carefully thought out by Cattarina, no one was against her decision.

In fact, almost some people feel relieved to hear it. Meanwhile Monna could only bite her lower lip anxiously. Hope that the decisions he takes are the right decisions. In order to protect the people he cares about. And for the sake of safety too. Hopefully.
