Chapter 024 ( Clothes For Everyone )

She knew Belhart was doing it on purpose to ignite her emotions in front of everyone. So that if Cattarina didn't want to embarrass herself and show her stupidity in public, Cattarina could only choose to stay in her position without doing anything.

Cattarina still remembers how Belhart was very happy at that time because he was able to dance with Alliesia and ignored her. For whatever reason, if it weren't for Cattarina not wanting to start a war with Belhart at that time, Cattarina would have grabbed the woman by force and grabbed her.

To hell with all that pride and eyes watching her. If Cattarina wanted, she could just kick her out of the party and even the palace.

But, because of her great love for Belhart and feelings of guilt for the baby who had been in her womb, Cattarina at that time decided to abandon all her bad intentions for a while.

Until of course, things were getting worse and more unbearable.

And strangely, the festival was supposed to happen in about two months. The festival is now on the 12th in the future ?!

Monna should have been aware when announcements of festival celebrations were being put forward by the imperial and holy shrines. For the reason of the revelation that had just been passed on to the great priests of the white tower of Geraldy kingdom, the date for the celebration of the Ammoenie Festival was changed to the date that was mandated.

It really makes a headache, if she reconsider some events that keep changing over time without being able to predict.

" Are you thinking of something, Your Majesty?" Alliesia asked in the middle of her tea ceremony with Cattarina on a hot afternoon.

Monna looked at Alliesia kindly.

" I'm just looking forward to Ammoenie's anniversary which will be held soon. Have you prepared a dress for the dance party tonight? " Monna asked casually.

" I'm sure you will look beautiful that night. And find a prince who suits you, " added Monna, smiling.

Alliesia immediately looked down in shame.

" I never thought of that, Your Majesty. You know a lot of work in the palace. Although there are only a few injured people I need to treat. But because there is a lot of reporting that we have to work on, and so few workers being included, I have a little trouble adapting. I am grateful that His Majesty the Crown Prince did not force us to finish all the reports quickly. But still, Your Highness. I don't have time to think about that, " Alliesia said at length and a little depressed.

Monna looked at her amused. Is it because of the adorable antics that Belhart likes her?

Monna tried to think about the possibility.

Alliesia, the main character, is indeed a woman who is a little talkative and also speaks frankly. It's no wonder that sometimes, Monna likes to laugh now and then when she reads a novel about this world where there is Alliesia's dialogue in it.

It is very different from Cattarina who is very stingy when she is not angry or with people she thinks of. Even when she was with the crown prince, Cattarina could never talk to long and wide with him because the crown prince kept ignoring her.

As a result, they are like two different seasons. One spring for Alliesia. And another annoying summer for Cattarina.

" I will be glad if His Majesty the Crown Prince did not make things difficult for you. And I hope you can survive all your difficulties. To help you, how can you provide a dress for you? " bargained Monna.

Alliesia looked straight at Cattarina with her big round eyes.

" Your Majesty, how could I possibly dare to ask that. You already want to think of me as the person closest to you, I already feel good. How could I ask that from you, " replied Alliesia, feeling uneasy.

Monna smiled in return.

" You didn't ask Alliesia. I want to give it to you. You have to look beautiful. Because of that, I will help you. " Monna expressed her conviction.

After Alliesia's appointment as the official court doctor and Monna's attempts to approach her, it took some time. Monna manages to get Alliesia to be her tea companion, apart from her bodyguard, Barron Neil.

Both have their characteristics in speaking and arguing. So that every time Monna fills the time with them, Monna can find new and interesting things.

" But, Your Majesty... "

Like the original character of the protagonists in general, Alliesia has a gentle and not greedy nature. Of course, Alliesia would refuse this help several times. But Monna won't be her name if she doesn't persuade her.

" Isn't this event devoted to all the workers in the palace? To appreciate your hard work, this event is deliberately designed to relax so that you can be more enthusiastic about working again. So, why do you need to worry? " persuaded Monna.

Monna also added.

" Take it easy, Alliesia. I've even prepared a complete outfit for my bodyguard Neil, my nanny Lily and Dessie, and several other workers who work for me. I'm sure you will like the dress. I guarantee it, " added Monna happily.

Alliesia couldn't help but accept it.

When their tea time ended and Alliesia had returned to her place to work, Monna accompanied by Neil returned to her room to rest.

Along the way, Monna opened up several talks with Neil.

" Have you tried the clothes I gave you? " Monna asked in their silence.

Neil was silent for a moment. Then nod.

" You like it?" asked Monna.

Neil nodded.

It doesn't matter if it's honesty or just politeness. As long as Neil does not intend to reject it and will return it, Monna will consider Neil's answer as a form of satisfaction with what she has given.

Regardless of whether he likes it or not. As long as she had the clothes for her and intended to wear them, Monna was sure Neil would have sensed the slightest bit of interest from Cattarina for him.
