Chapter 031 ( Until Whenever Will Not Divorce )

"Yes. But even though I haven't been able to find the main mastermind behind your case. I have managed to find his followers," Belhart said suddenly which immediately made Cattarina stare at him without blinking.

"Is that true?" She asked incredulously.

"Yes. It's just that until now he still doesn't want to confess and keeps his mouth shut to hide his master's identity," Belhart added, neither too satisfied nor too happy.

Monna continued to stare at Belhart in disbelief. So it was true that Belhart has nothing to do with spreading those slanted rumors? And Monna had been terribly wrong in suspecting him all this time? Was that true?

There was a strange feeling in Monna's mind.

If it wasn't Belhart who was the mastermind behind all of this, then who? The Bouston family never had an affection with anyone. Then who was the person who ordered his followers to spread the issue?

Monna looked at Belhart very seriously.

"Then, who is he? Can I find out his identity? " Monna asked curiously and Belhart explained calmly.

"Berdten Argentio. A mercenary who often did dirty work and helped many nobles to wash their hands. So it is difficult for us to immediately know exactly, which aristocrat is employing him at this time. "

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Monna looked surprised when she heard the name.

"Berdten Argentio??" Monna said unconsciously and confused. The name seemed familiar but also foreign to her. Could it be that she had heard that name somewhere?

"Why? Do you know him?" Belhart asked, noticing the change in Cattarina's attitude.

Monna shook her head.

"No, it's just ..."

Monna was silent for a moment. The Cattarina that Monna knew clearly could not possibly know the man because even the image of his face Monna could not remember. But somehow that name seemed familiar to her mind.

It was as if in the novel she had read before, that name had existed and was mentioned in the story. But who and what role, Monna can't remember.

"… That name sounds familiar to my ears. But maybe I was wrong," Monna continued reasoned and tried to recall the role of that person's character in the novel.

Monna still can't remember it.

And it was strange that if that man had an important role in the novel, shouldn't Monna be able to remember it better?

But this? Let alone remembering a small part about that familiar name. The idea of that strange name had something to do with the Cattarina family issues alone, Monna couldn't imagine it.

So where can Monna draw conclusions about something she didn't know? Could it be that because of walking too long in this life, Monna's memories were faintly starting to fade?

Belhart leaned back casually on the back of his chair. Responding to Cattarina's answer with a few fragments of his sentence.

"Maybe you've heard that from some people who mentioned it by accident," Belhart said, giving the most plausible possibility, "As I said, he is quite famous among the nobles. So it's only natural that you might have heard that name from someone. Or maybe your father has told you about him? "

Cattarina shook her head quickly but also uncertainly.

"I have no idea. I am not sure. But I'll ask father later through my letter. And, regarding that man. Is it true that he is so loyal to his master and doesn't want to admit who the person who ordered him to?" said Monna.

Monna was still very clueless about the mindset of a paid boy.

Shouldn't they be telling the truth in times of desperation to save themselves from harm without caring about the difficulties of others? But why, this man was sticking with his foolish beliefs?

Monna cursed in her heart to remember his family who would have been sacrificed if that man was still stubborn. Did she has to step in on her own this time? So maybe Monna can remember something about that man in the novel?

Monna unconsciously clenched her fists tightly in anger. And Belhart, who noticed her restlessness, stretched out his hand to grasp hers.

Monna was spontaneously shocked.

She who was too preoccupied with her own thoughts did not notice the gaze that Belhart continued toward her with so much attention. So that when Belhart stretched out his hand to her, Monna who was surprised could only be silent for a moment.

Belhart already mentioned two words.

"I promised to protect your family. So trust only me," Belhart said very deeply and seriously. Until it was so serious, that Monna felt that the words were uttered very sincerely without bad frills behind them as she had been thinking.

But was it true?

With an uncomfortable feeling, Monna pulled her hand slowly away from Belhart's grip. This was not the first time Belhart has taken the initiative to touch her. But could it be that his brain had hit a little this time?

Monna has begun to not understand Belhart's way of thinking which sometimes did not become the same as what should be in her memories and stories. Began to discover a lot of oddities in Belhart.

So this time, should she believe the reality she was seeing now and doubt the memories of her past which were her bad future about that man?

No! Monna was too afraid to take risks. That's why, she did not want to get her hopes up and have bad desires!

Just once, Cattarina fell into the charm of a man who never loved her. This time, Monna should be able to escape Belhart's grasp while the man was still nice to her. This way, Monna can live a happier life on her second chance as Cattarina once she was released.

For the time being, Monna can only do that. So that no matter how many times Monna tried to bring Belhart closer to Alliesia as she should. The man continued to feel unhappy and satisfied.
