Chapter 034 ( Worry ??! )

Where not only in the novel, but based on the future memory of Cattarina, Monna never found the name circulating around her. That's why too, when she asked her father about Berdten Argentio.

Mr. Shcoutz didn't know the name at all and didn't even think he'd heard of it anywhere. Because the mysterious figure of the group owner was a little famous, it will only appear at the end of the novel.

Which Berdten Argentio was the man who would execute the entire Cattarina family. Where Cattarina herself will be stabbed directly by Belhart, her husband.

Now all the bad and painful images came back to her mind. Made her difficult to catch her breath and can only close her eyes. When one by one incident after incident repeated in her brain memory like a past broadcast.

Belhart who saw then asked with great worry.

"You are okay? And what's wrong with you? " he asked, did not understand and did not understand whether there were more words that were wrong so that he hurt her again.

But Monna confidently shook her head slowly, denying Belhart's concern.

"It's okay and it's okay, Your ... I mean Belhart. I just got dizzy all of a sudden. What were we talking, by the way?"

Monna tried to keep distracting Belhart from taking care of her. Because whatever he did and asked wasn't going to be of much help. On the contrary, because he was the source of the pain that Monna felt in Cattarina's brain.

Monna didn't want him to further provoke a situation that would only get worse because of her.

Belhart then told Cattarina to do something.

"I'm not sure about your condition. But if you think you're okay. Drink a little, Catty. It will make you much better, "

Monna seemed to shudder a little when Belhart for the first time (maybe? Because Monna was just noticing him now), said her first name in a relaxed and intentional manner. Even though this nickname was only used by her immediate family to describe their closeness.

w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l o.n.l.y

But did Belhart choose the same nickname for himself? Where this situation broke Monna's logic. However, due to the mood, her head and heart seemed to be raging. Monna didn't give much response and just drank the warm jasmine tea which always calmed her down when she was experiencing so many trials and pressures.

"Thank you, Your ... I mean, Belhart. Now I am much better," Monna said, was not really honest. But she tried to match her words with her appearance.

Monna didn't want Belhart to pay more attention to her. Simply thinking of her as a display wife and not taking care of her or caring for her was more than enough.

Rather than Belhart having to give her a lot of attention which will ultimately end badly for the life of Cattarina and her family. Monna preferred a peaceful state like the one that has existed so far.

Although sometimes Monna was still very difficult to understand the intentions of her heart and emotional changes. But at least the current Belhart wasn't planning to kill her out of annoyance.

Belhart then stood up and said something that made Monna somewhat alert. Thinking that maybe the guy will do something bad or maybe surprise her and terrify her.

Monna then asked in confusion when she saw that Belhart had stood up straight walking towards her.

"What will you do?" Mona asked nervously. Then add.

"You want to go somewhere?" Monna asked, failing to understand the meaning of Belhart's action, who was already up and walking towards her without speaking and without warning.

Because if Belhart wanted out of their meeting Belhart should have walked freely to either side so he could leave her.

But the man walked towards her in silence. A while later.

"You don't have a fever, do you? How about the dizziness? Really good and not to worry? "

Monna was busy blinking repeatedly until she looked over and over in disbelief while muttering.

"Yes..?" She said, not too sure.

Wonder what happened to the man in front of her. Move closer and touch her forehead. Asking her state. Then worry?

What the hell !!

What really happened to him? !! And what was really going into his brain?

Add more.


Chapter 34 ()

How many times must Belhart surprise me again? Can't act naturally and can't act logically just like his actions are exactly the same as his attitude in a novel?

Ah no. That's not what I want either.

Belhart should not have followed his evil nature to Cattarina according to the storyline in that cursed novel.

He'd better be nice or at least ignore her too. As long as he didn't act this kind of mess.

Monna once again asked in confusion.

"You .. ask my condition? And you look worried about me?" Monna asked, very uncertain.

And Belhart already wanted to answer her with the words' of course. And how is that impossible '.

But Monna quickly blocked him and shook herself while giving an erratic answer.

"Ah no. Forget my question just now. And I will answer your question correctly. I'm very good. So you don't need to worry too much about it," Monna said with a pretty face that was still pale.

Where Belhart's killing aura in the past was still very difficult for Monna to completely remove. So that the closed half was the most she can do at this time. So that Belhart who was watching her immediately clenched his fists and moved away.

Standing back when a while ago had looked down to check Cattarina's condition.

"I think we should call Alliesia here. Guards!!" Belhart shouted angrily enough. But he held it when Belhart also saw Neil approaching him.

Worried about Alliesia and asked her how she was. Until what was happening to the princess he looked after. So that it made Belhart even more angry and lost control of himself.

  Then commanded coldly and curtly to Neil who looked very worried about Cattarina.

"You seem so worried?! Then, you will summon Alliesia to the main room. Because I will bring my own "wife" to her room," Belhart said and commanded very sharply to the man.

  To the point that it made Neil stare a little confused. Then nodded quickly and left the two of them to carry out his duties.

  Meanwhile, Belhart surprisingly carried Cattarina up into his arms. Carry her like a great princess and he was now seen as a knight.

  Made Monna panic and immediately scream hysterically.

  "Geez!! Your Majesty!! What are you really doing and what are you ... "

Because she was constantly shocked and made it hard to believe in many things. This time Monna completely lost her mind to just reply or respond. Her whole body was limp and she really didn't have much strength to fight back, defend herself, or maybe save her life.

  Monna was just busy covering her face in embarrassment and afraid to imagine something worse happened.

  Meanwhile, Belhart's actions succeeded in making many pairs of eyes pay attention to them. Staring bewilderedly at what situation was going on and how The Majesty of the crown prince, who was notoriously cold, was great at treating his wife so differently.

  Carrying his own wife roaming the palace looking quite restless. While ignoring all pairs of eyes who watched them with great interest. To the point that Monna, who realized it, couldn't open her face.

  Shame on Belhart's impulsive and unpredictable actions. Monna could only curse herself silently and pray that this situation would quickly pass. While trying to cover her ears tightly to ignore all the gossip directed by all the inhabitants of the palace they passed.

Until it raised various assumptions present in everyone's mind differently and also becomes excited.

  "What really happened?"

  "What's with the crown princess?"

  "Why can the majesty Crown Princess be carried like that? Is she hurt? Is she unhealthy? Then what did the Majesty Crown Prince do by taking her like that?"

  "Where are they going?"

  "Should we follow him?"

  All kinds of question marks and great curiosity enveloped all the workers and administrators of the palace to the people and servants they passed. They wanted to ask because they were worried but didn't dare to ask because they were afraid.

Now only Lily and some of Cattarina's special ladies-in-waiting followed their master from behind. While helping to make way and opening the door for him, the arrivals were silent in a thousand languages ​​according to their natures.

  Until Monna finally couldn't help grumbling.

  "Belhart!! Do you have to make me the spectacle of a palace?! How can I face everyone after this ??!" Monna said, incredulous and difficult to understand with Belhart's way of thinking.

  Time and time again have to adjust climate change and mood until it comes to strange actions.

  Belhart meant it to carry her like that?

  Monna felt immense pressure and shame. Where during this time she had never been humiliated to that extent. Never wanted the wrong attention. And never received so much attention like this.

Belhart then laid Cattarina gently on the bed. Did a few things and started mumbling back.

  Wait. Mumbling? Belhart can be mumbling?
