Chapter 066 ( Case 4 Years Ago )

"You have finished reading the entire content? And you became like this because of that?" Hulck guessed with a very precise and correct question.

So that Belhart then glanced away without direction.

"Did I shouldn't have stolen the book and read it carefully?"

As if taking the wrong step, wasn't even right. All the facts and the contents of Cattarina's heart seemed to stir his soul.

Especially about what kind of death awaited Cattarina in her life. In the book, it was not written at all what the reason Belhart wanted to kill Cattarina was. So that the whole untruth tortured him all night.

Repeatedly repeating sheet after sheet to find out more carefully what he had missed. In the end, Belhart found no answer at all.

Belhart then looked at his hands. Staring flat at the same time limp.