Chapter 078 ( Rectifying Something Wrong )

Cattarina who entered the royal family did use the first name and last name of Belhart. Because they were married and Gerald's name will automatically be paired in her name.

But for Belhart's first name. Unlike her mother who used her father's first name. Shcoutz. Cattarina will only take one syllable of Belhart's name.

Belht from the word Belhart.

Then changed to 'Cattarina Belht Gerald'.

All these unique names made Monna understand that she was now part of the Gerald family.

Which meant royal family. Where the King's cousins and brothers still bore the name Gerald.

For example, Lomus Dominic's younger brother. Steparus Lominic Gerald. Left the palace to live in peace with his wife. Ellisabeth Steprs Gerald. Then the nephew of his late brother. Thampholine Paminic Gerald.