Chapter 089 ( Tax Evasion )

Monna once again asked very seriously.

"What did they do to father? And what threats and pressure do they give? Did they threaten to kill you and your entire family? So father got scared and started sacrificing yourself to admit all this foolishness?"

Monna burst into tears.

Made Rubylic walk straight to her and hugged her softly.

"Catty .."


Then without realizing it, Alpen and Asraff also looked at her deeply hurt and sad in the silence of their respective minds.

Monna still voiced her misery.

"That's impossible, Mother. Please believe in father. He's lying and he's doing it because he wants to protect us. I don't know-how and for what reason. But I will always believe in him."

Firm and sure. There were no other wishes that Monna wanted to show.

Rubylic then nodded slowly and agreed. She cried and was deeply hurt by her husband's statement. But confused about how to respond to all this absurdity.