Chapter 149 ( Do it! As Long As It Makes You Feel Better )

Didn't dare to give an answer because he didn't want to have to live without knowing Cattarina.

Belhart was still staring at Monna with pain. Hoping it was only Cattarna's momentary wish.

Monna was still imagining.

"If I didn't know you from the start..."

"And if I didn't put my love for you completely..."

"All of this would never have happened..."

"Even in my four past lives, I continued to be attached to you. Unable to escape and tormented. So is there any way that I can avoid you?"

Felt so guilty,

Belhart once again apologized.

"I'm sorry and I'm really sorry,"

Cried and sobbed.

Was the request enough?

Belhart, who couldn't bear to see Cattarina lost the focus of life, pulled her into his arms.

Letting Monna cry in his arms. And rubbed her head gently.

"I hate you, Belhart! And I hate myself too. I hate for having to be the bad person in my life and hurting people. I..."