Chapter 160 ( The Woman Who Blessed )

"Congratulations Mr. Asraff and congratulations to you too Miss Alliesia,"

She lowered her head and tightened her grip on Asraff's sleeve as she lowered her head.

Alliesia who felt ashamed and guilty towards Hulck replied curtly.

"Yes. Mr. Hulck. Thank you."

Monna and Belhart accidentally looked at each other. Stared for a few seconds and then Monna turned her gaze in another direction.

"I just managed to propose to Alliesia. And all of this is thank to you, Your Majesty. So I say thank you very much and sorry for causing a bit of a fuss."

Several people looked around.

This was what Asraff called a 'little fuss'?

Nodded slowly and didn't mind it. Belhart instead showed a look of envy because Asraff was able to get what he wanted.

Managed to reach his woman and make a proposal that was impossible to be rejected.

Belhart glanced at Monna once more.

Annoying whispers were heard.