Song of the Masked

My Requiem

As the darkness of the night hides the darkness of your pain

Oh, my requiem, scream my name in the dead of this night

As the city switches every light on the streets

Oh, my requiem, scream the name of the Powerful One.

As the clouds pass through the blinding reflection from your eyes

Oh, my requiem, let the people hear your shrieking tune

The tears from your shutter eyes look terrible at day

Oh, my requiem, join me in my journey to heaven's gate

The city's heart turn their blinding eyes and adjacent ears

Oh, my requiem, they no longer care about your pain

The city's soul closes its doors for yours

Oh, my requiem, stop trying and just give in

The sound of rain as it pours heavy on the pavement

As it covers your silent cries of help

Oh, my requiem, the final moment has come

Are you ready, my requiem?

As the clock, strikes 12, I grab my sword and strikes the enemy

I strike and strike as its blood runs down the drain and into the city's stream

I looked at you with a smile on my face

I strike the enemy until its dead

And that enemy is my requiem.