Lingering Memories

"Congratulations, Mrs. Hespere. It is a boy," the doctor exclaimed while cutting the umbilical cord. The joy from her face was changed into despair for all of her dreams for her child were washed down into the deepest part of the trench.

"Mommy. Mommy, look at me. Don't I look pretty?" He asked while wearing a checkered dress and black sandals. "Yes, you are, my darling. The most beautiful girl ever," she exclaimed. "Mommy, please stop. I don't want to wear that anymore. I am not even a girl," he protests but instead of stopping she forced him to wear the dress, and dragged him to the pageant.

He won by all means, but he is not happy. He is a boy and he should do something like this. This kind of thing was meant for girls and girls only, not for a boy like him. "Mommy. Mommy, please I am sorry. I won't do it again. I won't play soccer or throw my barbies. I won't tell Papa and Grandma and I will be the best girl," he pleads as he was dragged to the garden to be punished in front of the beautiful flowers that surround their yard.

"I raised you as my own child. I raised you to have a better future and this is what you do in return? I lost everything since you were born. I just asked you to do one thing and you still refused to do it. Why?" She exclaimed as her heavy hands land on his silky soft face.

When she was satisfied, he left him bleeding on the ground under the bright yellow sun with the flowers to comfort. The pain and the abuse went on and on but that ends when he was about fifteen years old.

"Mommy, please stop. I can't take it anymore," he pleaded for the last time before passing to sleep. "Useless piece of shit. You ruined everything. I wished I never gave birth to you." She said as she dropped him to the ground hoping for him to die.

"Mommy. Mommy, please come here," he teasingly said in a very girly voice. His mother curiously went to the room unknown to what would happen to her once she entered. Once she entered, everything went black.

The cold floor welcomed her new and last visitor. Everything is dark and blurry. There is sudden pain in her head and she heard a sound playing from a distance. She tried to stand up, but she falls back to the ground again with a loud thud.

The sound stops and footsteps from the outside rushing into where she is. The door opens loudly and she saw his son, "Prime," she exclaims. He came down, rushing to her, and hugged her. "Mommy, are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asked with concern. "Yes, a bit," she said. "Are you in pain?" He asked once again.

"Yes, I am stupid-ass. Look at me. I am bleeding and you have the audacity to ask if I was in pain. Of course, I am in pain," she exclaims. His son looked at her then bowed down his head with embarrassment.

She continues to complain about every single thing that is wrong with his son when he speaks, stopping her from her ranting, "Are you not satisfied, Mommy?" He asked. His mother looked at him confusedly then he laughs. "Don't worry, Mommy. I will make you proud," he said and ran outside the room. She confusedly watches her kid as he rummaged a duffle bag searching for something.

Moments later, he went back to the room carrying a large dress and a crowbar. He forcibly asks his mom to wear the dress and when she said no, he pouts and slams the crowbar on her leg and laughs as she screams in pain.

He took all of her clothes by force and puts on the dress. His mom tries to kick him out of the way when he spoke, "Mommy, stop struggling. Don't we have the same thing?" He asked innocently. His mom stopped struggling and looked at him for a second. He took this opportunity and forcibly put the dress on her.

He smiled when he saw his Mommy wearing this humongous dress making her like a bloated pig in a dress. He drags the mirror across the corner and faced it to his mom. "Mommy, stand up. So you will see how beautiful you are," he excitedly exclaims.

His mother looks at him very concerned, and when she is not standing up, he retook the crowbar and slammed it to her chest. She cried in pain as he yells, "Stop being a pussy, Mommy. Come on, stand up, and show them how beautiful you are. Show them, Mommy. Show how to walk, how to properly pose and where could their beautiful angle be. Just like you taught me!" he exclaimed.

His mother trembled with fear as she watches her offspring go crazy as seconds pass.

"Mommy, don't be scared. It's just me your boy, Prime. The one you gave birth to, the one you abused, and the one you forced to dress up like a girl. The one you taught how to pretend, the one you taught how to smile properly, the one you taught how to be a doll, and the one you taught how to be a proper lady. It's me your son."

He said with a sickening smile on his face as he grabs the crowbar from the cold ground and slowly slams it to his mother's face so she would see how he sees her abusive hands land on his face. He strikes and strikes and strikes her face until he was satisfied. She died instantly and he laughs marvelously.

He went out of the house to grab his late father's gasoline tank and poured it into his mother's dying body. He lights up the matches and drops them to his mother, burning her flesh in an instant. He watches her die before putting her favorite flower near her which is a primrose.

He removed his clothing and put on a new set. Then, he poured the remaining gasoline around the house before burning it down. He walked up to the mountains where he sees people swarming their houses.

He fills his shirt with dust and ruffles his hair so he obviously he played on the mountain. He ran down the mountain while piercing his eyes to make them cry. Then he cried and shouted his mother's name as the police grabbed him trying to take him away from the burning building. He cried and cried, as the police calmed him down.

Since that day, he became an independent guy, working so hard to have an apartment and do whatever he wants. As he turned twenty-one, he met the person that he considered as a catalyst for his career in the future.