Pure Danger

Major woke up by the loud sound of his alarm. He groans as he sits up and stretches his arms. He yawns and looks at his phone for messages. He receives one from an unknown number, he deletes the message before reading it and searches for some important one.

After scrolling for more, he finds Lilibush's message saying that they might know who is their mystery killer. He gasps in silence then immediately runs to his bathroom to wash up before cooking himself breakfast then he will be on his way.

After he eats breakfast, he fumbles with his keys while walking when he suddenly sees someone familiar he just can't remember where he saw the person. He went inside his car and starts it up when he receives another message. He looks at it and finds out that it is Ren Sage.

He furrows his brow and asks himself, 'How the hell Ren knows his phone number?' He shrugs the thought and steps on the gas. At the time he reaches his destination, chaos definitely devours their office.

Papers and fliers everywhere a wailing mother asking for her child's justice is being held by other officers and worried parents who want to know who could be the killer. He sighs to himself as he proceeds to his chair. " Late morning to you, Major," Detective Amorphous said. "Pretty sure, I am on time, Detective," Major replies.

Amorphous chuckles and pats his shoulder. "Do you think we will finally find out who is our mystery killer?" Amorphous asks. "Speaking of, what happened?" Major asks.

"It's gruesome, I warn you," Amorphous said before borrowing a chair from Cantaloupe. Major nods and faces the older detective. Amorphous clears his throat and begins telling him what happened earlier that day.

"It started as a normal day, filled with paper works and reports. When we heard a wailing woman asking Detective Cris to find her missing son. They tried to apprehend her until a dispatcher asks for assistance to a local playground near Granson's Cafe, do you know that?" Amorphous asked.

Major looks at him confusedly when he suddenly remembers the place. "The old playground where the rusty merry-go-round is?" Major asks.

"Bingo!" Amour said. "So, we went there with the wailing mother since she insists on coming with us. In all my life, that ride would probably be the longest ride I've ever had. I think Lilibush would probably agree with me.

Anyway, as we got to our destination, frantic parents and crying children were the ones who welcomed us to the scene of the crime. A very nervous security guard is the one who leads us to the place where the body is found. And there, lying a faceless child who was brutally murdered by our mystery killer," Amorphous added.

"How did you exactly knew that the child was killed by our mystery killer?" Major asks curiously. Amour sighs and stands up to get something from his drawer. When he came back to Major, he put down a flower in front of him.

"Freesia," Amour said as he sits down. "It means innocence and thoughtfulness just like a child," he adds. Major holds the flower and looks at it intently. "How did you identify the flower and where did you get the meaning, Detective?" Major asks.

Amorphous scoffs and answers, "Michael over there had a brother who studies botanical plants. He is the one who helped us identify the meaning of the flower. It looks like someone is trying to relive their childhood memory, he also said," Major looks more confuse.

Seeing the younger's reaction, Amorphous chuckles and said, "Us too, kid. We are more than confused by these meanings," Major nods and about to ask the older detective again when a forensic member came into the office.

"May I have your attention, please?" She announces. "We have the DNA result of the victim. The child's name is Jared Kunal, he is a 3-year-old kid who was found dead in an old and rusty merry-go-round.

According to our observations on the victim, the boy sustained bruises on his face and arm and a bite mark on his back. A laceration was also found on his neck that caused his death. According to the rigor mortis of the victim, he died two days ago.

And our unique witness is also a four-year-old boy named Alster Rose. He is now being interrogated by other officers," she said.

Frustrated groans can be heard in the office while Major is still holding his breath and thinking, 'How can someone kill an innocent kid? What did the kid ever do to the killer?' His thoughts were paused when the forensic leader clears his throat.

"Unto our next agenda," he said as he adjusts the projector so the detectives will have a clear vision of their killer. "As you know, we obtained a DNA sample from the bite mark of the victim that lead us to our killer," he said as he looks around and a few nodding officers answers him.

"According to the DNA obtained, our mystery killer is a woman in her mid-30s, has blue eyes, and dark brown hair. And this woman is named Hana Larkspur," he explains. A few whistles and amazed gasps were heard around the office when Lilibush counters, "But?" He asks.

The forensic leader sighs and said, "Ms. Larkspur was found dead in a mini-forest not so far from the old abandoned building near Granson's Cafe. She was dead for almost 3 months now," Another round of frustrated groans and heavy sighs can be heard around the precinct.

"Fucking hell, another dead end?" Dru asks. "I believe so," the forensic leader sighs heavily. "Any other DNA on the scene?" Lilibush asks. "Ah, yes. It's this one," the forensic leader said and shows a red string that looks like a ball of yarn.

"This was tied around the victim's arms and legs. Unfortunately, there was no enough evidence or DNA to test this with," he said. Lilibush sighs and sits down in his chair.

"Another dead end," Major said to himself when he felt his phone vibrates. He looks at it and found that it is Ren Sage who texted him. He opens his phone to fully read the message when he noticed something in his text.


From: Ren Sage

To: Detective Major

Time: 11:25 am


Good morning, detective. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Be careful, though. There has been a lot of killings lately. I don't want you to get in trouble. Just always remember, stick to your guts and don't believe what everyone says.

Love, Ren.


He furrows his brow as he replies,

From: Detective Major

To: Ren Sage

Time: 11:45 am


Hello, Ren. I did not know that you have my number. I wanted to ask where did you get it because I don't remember that I gave it to you. I am having a great day but as you said, thank you for your concern and your unusual advice. I will be very careful with everyone around me.



Minutes passed and Ren replies to him this time with a warning,

From: Ren Sage

To: Detective Major

Time: 12:05 PM


Well, hello, Detective. I didn't expect you to answer. I got your number from when you are supposed to go to Astera and I stopped you. You are with the other detectives at that time.

Anyway, I just replied to you to give you a warning. Stop messing around with the people of Emir City. They are not actually friendly. They are more secretive.

You know, I heard the news that a kid was found dead at the old playground near Granson's Cafe. Don't solve that crime. I warned you, detective. Do not solve that crime or the city's monster will be mad at you.

Love, Ren.

PS: Are you free tonight? Let's have dinner at Granson's Cafe. I will tell you everything that I know. But keep this a secret.


Major furrows his brows more when he agrees to his invite. He needs to know his information and that's his purpose for taking the offer and not just the date.

He exhales and looks around the precinct. Most of the detectives are all frustrated to find the answer to this mystery so maybe, whatever Ren's information is could help. He just hopes that they could help.