
"Keya Gul, huh?"

'Did I hear the name right?' Ren thought for himself. 'Looks like he is dead, huh? What a god Primrose is. I wonder if his plan worked or it is just a miscalculated crime.' He thought to himself as he watches Major dresses up for his work.

The florist giggles to himself as he reminisces about what happened last night. It was a mistake yet it felt so good. He felt like cheating on Primrose but who cares, as long as his plans work, they are good.

Plus, Primrose even told him that he will reward him if his plan works. He smiles at that thought when Major snaps his fingers on him. "Earth to Ren," he said with a smile. The florist smiles back at him then he asks, "What are you thinking about?"

The florist just hums and walks towards him. "You look delicious in your uniform, detective," he said seductively. Major blushes profusely then back off a little. "I'm going to be late for work if you do that, baby," Major said as he looks the beautiful florist in front of him.

"Like what you see, detective?" The florist asks. Major becomes redder and quickly grabs his coat from the couch and said his goodbye to the florist. The florist only chuckles and waves to him his goodbye.

"See you in your next life, detective," he quietly says as he watches the door closes leaving him alone in his own room. He smiles to himself and laid back down on the bed. Around this hour, he would call Primrose over but now, he just wants to sleep quietly and not much think about his dreadful plan.

'It will work and I will make him proud.' He thought to himself.


"Good morning to you, Major," Chief Moss said as the latter walks inside the office. Major was surprised by the sudden greetings from the chief. He did not expect that the chief would greet him like that.

To be honest, he never greets him before. His train of thought was cut short when the chief clears his throat. "Do you have any information regarding the case of Keya Gul?" He asks. Major looks at him confusedly. "Information, sir?" He stutters. The chief looks at him grimaced.

"Didn't you have a date with that florist who owns Primula? Ren Sage is his name right?" The chief said. Major gulps nervously before nodding. He didn't know how the chief knew about their date, but he didn't ask about it. He just wishes that everything that Ren told was true.

"So, care to share it with me at the office, Major?" The chief asks. The latter just nods and follows the chief to his office. Lilibush saw what happened so he prays for him silently. The other detectives just waved at him goodbye as if he is passing away.

He gulps and thought every possible scenario that could happen while they talk. He did not know if the chief will grant him immunity if something happens or if the information was wrong. He just wishes that every bit of what he had last night will save his ass this time.

"Close the door and sit down," the chief orders. He quietly closes the door down and sits in one of the not-so-comfy chairs that the chief has.

"So, how was your date last night, young man?" The chief starts. The young man gulps before telling him what he knew. "As you know, Sir, I have been on a date with Mr. Ren Sage last night and I did get information about Keya Gul," he said not sounding disrespectful towards his boss.

"According to him, Keya Gul's mistress is Ms. Sorrel and they have been together for almost 3 years now causing Mr. Gul's divorce. He did not say anything about Ianthe but I think his love is still alive somewhere in the Trench, Sir," he said. The chief looked him dead in the eyes as the latter squirmed in his seat.

"Son, I believe you. The reason that I doubt your information is because of the florist. Be careful when you are around him, Major. Never trusts the people of Emir City. That's the only thing I doubt before, now, look at my family. My son is dead while my wife and I are on the verge of getting a divorce," the chief said as he laid back relaxing while in thoughts.

"Say, does Ren Sage have a birthmark?" He asks suddenly. Major looks at him curiously and shook his head then when he realizes what he did, he blushes. The chief chuckles and assure him that he won't tell.

"Did he tell you about his brother?" The chief asks. Major looks at him dumbfounded by the question. 'Ren has a sibling? He did not tell,' he thought. He shook his head and the chief hums.

"He has a brother, his name is Orch. He is a prostitute before he died," the chief said before facing him. "They were twins. Orch messed up with the wrong people and got killed while running away from them," the Chief explains.

"We all thought that Ren Sage will move to Eclair since it's way safer there. But I didn't know that he will stay here despite his brother being killed here," he said while getting an old newspaper from his drawer. "The reporter who published their story is our killer's first victim, Mr. Soma Viola," he adds then handed the newspaper to Major. It is true, Ren Sage does have a twin brother.

But why does he feel like the one who died is Ren and not Orch? They may look alike but they are so different. Ren looks more angelic than his brother. It must have been the effect of being an escort.

He is not judging but they do look different or it's just he is tired from what happened last night. He sighs to himself then looks at the chief in front of him. "Do they look alike?" The chief asks. Major shook his head for the last time.

"I think so, too," the chief said then dismisses the latter afterward. "Oh, Major. Before you go, just remember what I told you about the people here. Do not trust too much, alright?" The chief said and with that, Major went outside.

Lilibush and Amorphous almost hug him the time he went out of the office. Even Cantaloupe is overjoyed. "You came in one piece, brother. Oh, my gosh, I can't believe you are alive after that. Are you perhaps fine?" Cantaloupe said.

Major nods at him then smile, "It wasn't as bad as you think it is," he proudly says. "You dumbass, you almost gave us a heart attack," Amorphous said. Major just shrugs and went back to his seat.

He did not think about the newspaper ever again and finishes all of the stockpile reports that resulted in him staying up in the office until 10 pm. As he locks the doors of the precinct, he hears something from a distance.

He shrugged as to what it was. He walked up to his car when something fell on the top of his car. He covers his eyes in case of glass debris since his windshield also shatters. The moment he looked at what could fell down. It made him rethink his decision of becoming a detective in the first place.