Under Investigation
I wake up in his arms, I really didn't want to get up, he feels me slip out his hands and pushes me close, I look up at him, he kisses me so softly. I put my arms around him and he grips my waist, we make love and get ready for the day. I go take his throne, as Abdima gets ready to go to the throne his loyal subject comes in the room "sir we have reason to believe someone has entered premises that are restricted". He glanced up, hiding the sadness in his eyes with a look of determination, "keep a close eye on my wife, she's very ambitious, she might be looking for something she shouldn't" he looks back at him "done sir". I rush to meet Meizu, "Ausra, I think someone may have noticed" I look blankly at him "I know, let's be more careful meeting, he will assume it was me. He can't know you are involved, they are bigger plans after this". He disappears. Abdima enters the room "thank you, for holding the throne" I look back him "no problem". I can feel uncertainty behind those words. To stand by the man I love and have to go behind his back for his own good, weirdly I also sense trust, I'm sure he had to have heard and someone is watching me. I need to find who soon, I can sense Ellie will need me soon.
I assigned my tiger Cayden to Ellie, I can sense her calling me. I look at Abdima "I have a headache, I'm going to go lay down" he helps me up, I'm standing, I lose my balance, "are you ok?" I look up at his eyes and kiss him very savagely. He picks me up sits me on my thrown, he stops himself "what's wrong with you lately, I love this but I'm worried". I look at him "I can help myself, every time you get too close" he carries me and lays me in bed "be careful" he whispers in my ear. I fall asleep and connect with Cayden. "it's almost time, she needs somewhere safe" I pet her "take her to my dad's house is protected "will you be there?" I look at Cayden as snuggles me back "I will, once this mission is over it'll be you and me again" she purls "I miss you too". I wake up "I need to find my way out of the underworld "I think to myself. I get up I go to the library "I also need to find who is following me". I grab a book of rules of the underworld and start my research. As I grab books and stack them so whoever is watching me does not know what I'm up too, I glance to see who is watching me.
"Ausra, I think someone may have noticed" I look blankly at him "I know, let's be more careful meeting, he will assume it was me. He can't know you are involved, they are bigger plans after this". He disappears. Meizu sneaks in the hidden library he made a copy of the credentials the last time he sneaked in. He looked through book after book about releasing souls but none of them was what Ausra needed. He hears someone coming and slides in a dark corner, he becomes invisible. "can you believe Abdima married arc angels Michael's daughter" the other demon laughs "dude is bad ass" they walk out. He stands still for a while to make sure they leave. They leave and then re-enter, "it's clear one says to the other. They move a book that says ducks and it is very dusty as they move it the bookshelf opens they put a code in on the wall. The wall opens Meizu's eyes widened, another library, he walks in very quietly behind them. They grab a book and they exit. Meizu stays very quiet after he hears complete silence for a while, he looks through book titles one got his attention. How to free souls that got trap in a good deed "this is it" he thinks to himself. He can't read it, he might get caught, he'll have to take it and go. He grabs the book it becomes invisible as well and he searches for a wall thin enough to walk through. "I have to find Ausra" he thinks to himself.
Ausra looks deeply as she reads cautiously. There's a gate in hell, deep where the darkest souls live, if you can make it past those souls the gates will open for you". That must be past the souls the relive the damage they have created in people's life, reliving each one of the people they have destroyed, without being able to change it and being aware of who they are. I close the book and get up, I put all the books back and take a walk hoping he would follow. I don't look back and walk calmly through different sections of torture. I get to the dark space I hear the whispers and stop hearing the footsteps following me "I see he won't enter but he'll follow as I clear the path" I think to myself. "it's actually exciting to be able to use my powers, I get to test my levels". I walk into the darkness.
Chapter 14 Inspired By: One Republic - Stop And Stare