Alvis War
As I rise with the souls, I pass the tear in between the underworld Alvis rises with me. Alvis and I rise face to face my wings come off and go to Alvis, Alvis black wings disappear. I open my eyes Alvis opens his as well, we hold hands my veins connect to his. My veins glow yellow as my power enters Alvis his veins glow yellow as well and his wing glow bright gold. Alvis elevates with the souls, my angels fly around the souls to protect them, Alvis stands in the middle. Everyone is silent as Alvis elevates and my body levitates life less, my veins start glowing. Alvis elevates faster, my eyes turn white wings grow out, everyone covers their eyes, my wings are diamonds, I have evolved into my full Creator mode, my mission is complete, now all I have to do is finish this war. I elevate to Alvis, he's eyes are yellow "Alvis focus on what you want when attacking focus, also, on how you want to attack" he shakes his head in acknowledgment. My angels prepare for war, the demons call on the Destroyer, everyone is silent we continue to elevate.
The demons wait on command, Abdima comes out everyone waits on his command, I leave Alvis as he keeps elevating the souls. I stand in front of my angels ready to fight Abdima. Abdima looks at my wings, his eyes are wide open but he doesn't stand down. He flies up face to face with me we take our blades out, make and make an x with our swords face to face and yell war. The earth turns red, earthquakes and storms gather, the garden of Eden gets shield it starts to rain. Fenox and Anex fly while joining hands to protect the garden of Eden while the souls arise and war begins. I smile at Abdima we fly and fight, all demons attack, the humans kneel and pray while they look at the skies, demons and angels fight. It's amazing how quick people ask for forgiveness when they know the end is near. The minute majority chose the Destroyer's teachings over the Creator's teachings, they chose their future. There is only one Creator for each dimension, humans never appreciate the people who love them they always choose the ones that don't care and then blame the universe, no self-accountability. It's called falling to the dark side, loving the destroyer's gifts, they are put there to self-destruct. They are simple and feel great for a reason but humans know that and pretend or come up with excuses. It's the end of the world no more excuses, the saved has been gathered and the destroyer is now fighting to bring hell on earth.
Abdima and I look at each other one more time. I see lighting coming, I push Abdima close to save him, he looks at me and smiles "why?" He says as everyone fights around us "I have bigger plans for you" he looks in confusion and we continue to fight. Alvis continues to fly, he watches me save Abdima, he hears the Creator "he isn't your goal" Alvis almost questions the Creator but takes a look at humanity and the saved souls. Alvis responds, "I believe in you and your plan". Rani gets attack Alvis saves her and he understood the Creator's plans, we are in outer space fighting, almost in heaven. I start chanting and send Abdima back to hell, he will be in imprisonment into the right time. I take over holding the souls so Alvis can continue his war.
We are almost at the gate, Alvis flies to Rani they cover each other. He started wiping out demons, lightning strikes some, he blows up some with his hands and kicks some to hell. Rani protects his blind spots she blows up anyone he doesn't see. I look at Alvis to acknowledge we are there, where demons aren't allowed to pass. All the angels shield themselves, I shield the souls, Alvis closes his eyes, he goes into full power and explodes into a ball of ice, everything glows white all the demons turn ice, then disappear into nothing. Alvis takes his souls, we go to the gate, they open, the Creator is there waiting for the souls, the souls bow to the Creator the gates close after we enter. The Creator speaks "you have been saved because of your actions to save another life, knowing the torture you would endure, today a new Creator has been born and her faithful angels will go with her to her new universe when the war is over" everyone looks up, Alvis speaks "all except for one" he looks at Rani "will you be my queen?" Rani looks at me, I shake my head in acknowledgment. Rani smiles "I will", the Creator smiles "the celebration begins "hail the new arc angels" he looks at the souls. He looks at Alvis as well as Rani "and the new arc angels of the souls". I stand in front of the Creator we shake hands, thunder and lightning strike, as two Creators shake hands. Alvis and Rani get married, Alvis wears a crown, white suit, gold tie, silver vest and shoes. Gold napkin to match the wings as well as the tie. Rani walks down the aisle with a beautiful white dress with gold sparkles and accessories. She looks beautiful with her chocolate skin and beautiful long curly hair, her tiara is gold with diamonds, her veil white with gold sprinkles, I stand on the side as I'm her maid of honor. I smile at the new arc angels of the souls. With the Creator's and my blessing, after they both say I do, they become husband and wife. The Creator and I look at each other and shake our heads in agreement. Rani's wings turn gold after Alvis kisses her. We all smile the celebration continues, the Creator and I step aside "no two Creators can be in the same galaxy" I look at him "I'm not a full Creator yet, I have one more gift from my mother to pass on in order to move on". He holds my hands "you will be missed" he hugs me, I smile. My dad joins us, we dance after we dance, I speak "I must go find my husband" they agree with me. I go past the gates and disappear.
Chapter 20 Inspired By: Skillet -Hero