Ausra's Family
I hug Anex, I missed him so much "hi mom, I missed you" I look at him and touch his face "I have missed you too, soon we will be together forever". He smiles at me, his dad Haniel speaks "out of all the men you dated, you really have outdone yourself" we both laugh "you will understand soon". Haniel rubs my stomach "I hope she comes out with wings and not horns". I look at Haniel "really" I say sarcastically, he looks at me "I think I'm allowed to say any joke I want, look around you". Fenox starts laughing "it will get better" I look at Fenox "it will, can't get any more awkward than this" we all laugh. "How's Ellie?" I ask Fenox "she's fine, we both need some sleep" he responds "I can watch Zelig, you got me for 9 months" we all laugh. He hands me Zelig, Anex and I take care of him as Fenox and Ellie sleep. As the day progresses and Zelig goes back to his parents I lay down with Anex, "mom I don't care what no one has to say, I will protect my sister into you finish and complete the mission" I look at him "thank you, you know, your dad will too" he looks at me "what about my dad's happiness" I look at him "his hands will be freed once we leave, I'll train you, Abdima and I will take care of our daughter". Anex remarks "mom one more question, what will we name her?" I look at him "Skylah, she will be arc angel of the skies". Anex smiles "I like it" we dose off. Abdima comes to me in my dream "how are you?" I hug him "I'm fine, I miss you" he looks at me "Skylah nice name" I smile at him "uhm, are you ease drooping?" he holds me in his arms "just making sure you are safe". I look at him "I love you" he whispers "I love you too" I reply.
I get bigger and bigger it's now 6 months, I sit with Cayden, Anex, and Zelig, thinking about the last steps, it seems like forever. The pain of being away from two kids, I hope Abdima is ready, I won't let my daughter grow up without her father. Fenox sits down with us "are you ready for the next step?" I hold Fenox's hand "when the time comes I will give you the power over earth, we will split, I need you to transport everyone except my family to garden of Eden". He held my hands down "I understand" he looks at me "kind of a harsh goodbye" I reply, "after I have Skylah, I will properly say goodbye, next time I come it will the last battle on earth for me". I look at Fenox "we also have time to finish training" he looks at me "ok". Zelig looks at me and touches Skylah as Anex and Zelig feel her kick. I walk away with Cayden, I lay on Cayden's arm as he rests, he snuggles my face and my stomach. I close my eyes, take a nap is the only way I see Abdima, "you are getting big" I look at him and smile "I know, I wish you were really here" he holds my hand "I've been here watching and protecting you from far, I will be there at birth, the underworld will break lose as well as the world above". Abdima holds me, I lay on him, the baby kicks he feels it and smiles "hi baby girl Skylah, is daddy, daddy loves you very much" he leans in a kisses me all so softly" we both disappear and go back to our bodies.
I wake up Alvis and Rani return "how was the honey moon?" I ask, they both look at me in surprise "not better than yours, oh my, that's a baby belly" Rani says as she gets close and starts to rub my belly. Alvis and Rani hug me "we must prepare for battle". They all look up "the birth of Skylah will bring the beginning of the end" Rani looks at me "Ausra, you won't be able to fight" I look back "don't worry about me, trust me we will be ok". Alvis, Fenox, Rani, Haniel, and Anex prepare for battle, as they line up with their soul animals Boman, Barin, Haniel's wolves, and Eamon. My father returns "Abner, glad to see you" remarks Fenox, my father replies "couldn't miss my granddaughters birth, I was sent by Gabriel and Cybele, they are both watching and protecting you". I hug him and smile. "we have 3 months, we must win this battle, practice begins now" I walk away.
Part Two
The Underworld
Back in the underworld Abdima was getting ready as well. As he was practicing Meizu emerged from the shadows. "Abdima" Abdima looks at him and puts a blade to his neck telepathically and rises him up. "what is the meaning of this interruption?" Meizu takes a deep breath as if it's his last "I just want to help that's all". Abdima puts the blade down "you don't know what you speak off, disappear" before Meizu shimmers into the darkness, Abdima speaks "you can't interfere" he bows his head and continues to shimmer. Abdima trains his hardest and so do Ausra's angels. The evening Skylah is born, will be when cycles change and things are renewed.
Part Three
Skylah's Birth
The red skies become redder, thunder and lightning strike. My screams of labor enraged the skies more. All my arc angels are surrounding Skylah's birth site from the outside and the soul animals from the inside, Cayden stands over me, Ellie protects the children and Fenox is helping me deliver. Alvis leads my arc angels with Rani, as she is my right hand and have knowledge on all my wars as well as fights. She trained Alvis on how to use my powers and has chosen for him to lead as she was too concerned with my wellbeing. I look at Fenox "I'm sorry you have to be the one to deliver, but only a family of a Creator can deliver" Fenox looks at me "I'm the Creators son descendent". I explain quickly as I am in pain "the Creator sent his son to earth, the good one, to save his humans from sin, he banished Abdima from heaven for the hate Abdima felt hate towards humanity, Abdima is kind of your uncle". Fenox look at me and started understanding "who are you?" I look at him "Ausra daughter of Gabriel and Cybele" as I said that my eyes lightened and Skylah started to make her exit. The Creator put a shield around Fenox, Cayden and myself, as the energy was too strong for the world to handle, Fenox started glowing with me, demons appear from all directions. My arc angels fight, the demons come in with Abdima as their leader, Abdima is face to face with Alvis "I'm not your enemy" Alvis is surprised, Abdima turns around and starts killing demons as he does that Skylah is born, it starts the rain blood, Abdima has done the ultimate sacrifice, he turned on his kingdom. He must now return and get ready to fight me to death, the coldest punishment off them all, killing the good in him, which is me. Abdima lowers himself to me, Fenox and the baby, he holds Skylah and kisses her forehead, she touches his face. I bow my head to him and get on one knee, I hold his hands, or eyes glow together and I banish him to hell, I put him in the dark place, to hide his thoughts and his location. The demons scatter and disappear as they all look for Abdima, I grab my daughter "welcome to life Skylah of Concordia". The storm begins we all head in my father's home. The destroyer just sacrificed his thrown and we all must rest and train into I am ready for the fight against my husband. I hold Anex and skylah as if I would never see them again.
Chapter 22 Inspired By: Nickleback – Someday