This is familiar

The following day had arrived far too fast; it seemed as though he had been screamed at to get up immediately after closing his eyes. They stood in their lines. This time he had been placed in a back room on the edge.

He took a glance at the gun, which was now different. Although he didn't fully identify it, he had seen others use it. The older soldiers—those who have served for little more than two or three centuries—are meant by "others," and by "use," he refers to cleaning. He vaguely remembered one hanging in his grandfather's vacation home as well. He thinks that rather than being used, they must be antiquities or decorations.

 He turned to look at Olga, who was once more in front of the group and appeared to be struggling. She wasn't alone, though; several of them were experiencing difficulties. Looking at their tattoos, a select few people who were around when the weapon first hit the stores appeared to understand the weapon.