Some lessons are harder than others

  "Hey." Intervar replied. 

  "I wanted to ask you something." 

  He nodded for the other to continue, holding Donn just a little tighter. 

  "My brother, you went back and saved him." He paused, "Why?" 

  Intervar first shrugged, then thought carefully over his answer. He glanced at the other male, his eyes colder than he'd seen before. He looked away at the bed, like his cold eyes clashing against his nervous ones would be like a steel sword hitting stone. Harsh and unmoving. 

  "It was the right thing to do I suppose." He tried to play off his nervousness. 

  "That's a horrible answer." Odessa replied straight away. 

  It didn't work. 

  Silence hung heavy between them, like a black curtain of smoke. 

  "I'm sorry," came softly from Odessa. 

  The steel was dented. 

  "What for?" 

  And the rock does not know they are a rock.