
"The match will begin in 3..! 2..! 1..! Start!!!" The referee yelled.

Before the match, Rem stored her backpack with Roy in it, in her inventory. She was surprised that a living thing could fit in her inventory. After storing her backpack with Roy in it, the referee gave Rem and her opponent a wooden sword to use temporalty for the match. In Rem's past life, she was an expert with using longswords, daggers, and katanas. Defeating someone using her swordsmanship was a piece of cake for her. When the match began, her opponent charged at her, aiming for Rem's arm. Of course, for Rem, she saw her opponent as weak, inexperienced, and slow. She easily blocked her opponent's attack and swung her sword gracefully, aiming for her opponent's wrist, causing her opponent's sword to fly off his hand. With no hand on her opponent's hand and Rem, pointing the wooden sword she was given at her opponent's neck, Rem's opponent surrendered. Many people saw Rem's match and cheered. Some were impressed while others only walked away, thinking it was just beginner's luck.

"The winner is... Rem!" The referee announced.

Rem has won the duel. After winning the match, Rem and her opponent gave their Arena Card to the referee. The referee took both of their cards and used a device to scan them. Then, the referee gave both their cards back, officially ending their match. Rem looked at her card, which was now ranked 190. Her opponent only looked at his card with disappointment in his eyes and walked away quietly.

'I still a lot of time left... I should rank up some more.' Rem thought, walking towards the receptionist.

"Hello again. I would like to challenge the ranked 180th person." Rem said to the receptionist.

"Alright. Please wait for a moment." The receptionist dialed a number and called the 180th ranked person.

"She said she would be here in five minutes." The receptionist said.

"I see. Thank you." Rem waited for her opponent to arrive.


Rem has been challenging many opponents. So far, she has challenged 10 people today. Every person she challenged was no match for her. She challenged the ranked 190th person, ranked 180th person, ranked 170th person, ranked 160th person, ranked 150th person, ranked 140th person, ranked 130th person, ranked 120th person, ranked 110th person, and the ranked 100th person. Rem won all the duels easily. Now, Rem was currently ranked 100th. So far, she tried all the duels except for the death duel.

'I wonder how a death duel is like... I have to say... It sounds quite dangerous.' Rem thought.

"Excuse me..!" The receptionist said.

"Yes?" Rem looked at the receptionist.

"We are closing right now... Just to let you know, the Arena opens from 2 P.M. to 8 P.M. Right now, it is 8 P.M. The Arena is going to close now." the receptionist said.

"Oh... I got it. Thanks for telling me. I will be leaving right away." Rem said, leaving the Arena.

Rem went back to her dorm room, deactivated her disguise, and took her backpack with Roy inside it out.

"KIII!!!" Roy said, angrily.

Roy has been waiting in the backpack with nothing to do. He was starving as well. Being in a dark space made Roy uneasy.

"Sorry Roy... I kind of forgot about you. My bad, my bad. I'll give you 10 jerkies so forgive me, alright?" Rem said.

"Kiii..!" Roy pouted, not taking the jerkies.

"Fine, fine. I'll give you 15 jerkies. After eating those, you really need to get some exercise. You can't just sit around and eat all day without doing anything..!" Rem gave Roy 15 jerkies.

"Kiii!" Roy snatched the jerkies from Rem's hand.

"Let's rest for now. Tomorrow is another school day..." Rem said.

'I still have no idea what I should do about Roy... I don't want him to become an oversized lizard! Should I ask for Karina's help..?' Rem thought, sighing.

'I should just go rest... Just thinking about things like that makes my head feel like it's going to explode!' Rem thought, laying down on her bed.

Roy slept next to Rem on her bed, as usual.

'I've been feeling a little dizzy these days... I wonder what's wrong with me..?' Rem asked herself, feeling insecure as she drifted off to sleep.